[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne of my goal of 2015 is adding a tech skill and I want to do justice to it. Technology has been a great part of myself. Most of my reason getting into my college major is my fondness towards Tech article in National Geographic. I already told you about my love of Web Making in this post about Coding and also this post about WordPress. So, this is just another variable to add to the equation.
GEPI Coding Class is already held for several batches, but the program just get an approval to be part of the first Hack Reactor Core Network in Asia later this year. Originated from Silicon Valley, the program has been producing ready to work software engineer across countries. To celebrate it, GEPI gives holiday price special for the next 3 batches starting November. Long story short, I applied it right away. The course takes a month and has been covering basic HTML, CSS, Javascript and Object Oriented Programming. I’m glad that I decided getting into the course because I gained a lot of valuable knowledge. I’ve been learning to code by myself, but my knowledge sometimes skipped because sometimes I don’t get what’s working in what :)) I often get stressed out by myself. So having a class with real lecturer is a brand new experience.
I applied to the class with two of my colleague’s mate, so it gets easier. We walked to the place after working overtime at office, get some snack in the way out (hint: All Fresh salad is 50% off after 6PM, yayness), and get to discuss some difficulties in the class.
As for the curriculum itself, it’s certainly interesting. I got a hang of using HTML or CSS just fine but I have a little knowledge about Javascript, since I’ve been using them as ready-to-use without understand it really well. Turns out, using Javascript is kind of interesting. I realized what fascinates me the most is not only the ability to make something from scratch, but the ability to solve problem. Problem solving is tricky. When you get a hang of it, you can see the way out easily. But when you don’t know where to start, it becomes tangled whichever way you see it. So, understanding logic in Javascript and Coding in general, has been a good exercise. I thought I don’t have any space left out to stuff new things in my left brain, but then this is what happened when you looked down on yourself. I surprise myself lots of time during the course :))
At the end of the class we’ve been asked to make simple website for a final project.
This is what I made in merely 1,5 days :)) I love Caravan Shoppe‘s work and I’ve been a nerd for outer space. I even planned to hang Neil deGrasse Tyson art print someday. So making this project is such a fun thing to do. I use basic Javascript to create quiz and matching card game. Sorry that I cannot give you the links now, because I haven’t asked permission to use the image for this project properly. I will certainly upload the project later because I kind of like it :3
If this year I managed to gain lot of knowledge, I’m planning to apply it in in real life next year. So, for friends or acquaintance who wants to build simple website based on HTML or WordPress, do contact me. I might not be that expert, but I think I have one or two tricks in my sleeve to help you :3 Be it a wedding website, a portfolio website, a small online shop, whatever. I love to create something and this is just a new medium I’d love to try next year.
So, have you learn anything new in terms of technical skill this past year? Because I think this is by far one of my best achievement for 2015.
Have a wonderful weekend :)
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