
Since I was little, I always thought going abroad is the greatest dream that I want to achieve. The clean air, the modern railway, the green mountain, the fabulous museums and old book shops. As I grew up, I’ve seen people going abroad, an exchange program, a broke travel trip, or even a wealthy vacation. Then I’ve lost interest of the whole idea.

I mean, what’s so special about going abroad? Is it just about the picture you took, with the famous landmark or some random foreigner? Is it about the happiness you feel inside when you tweet “Touchdown Europe”? Is it about the talk you’ll get when people talk about you, the pride? Is it about the people you shake hand with? Or is it about the achievement you need for being one step ahead from everybody?

The thing is, I still envy Europe for being adorable, Japan for being admirable, New York for being sophisticated, or even Russia for being exotic. But there’s a thing that I’ve lost anyway.

What’s so special of going abroad?

When people told me that they’re going shopping in their vacation in London, or walking slowly in Thailand, I don’t envy it anymore. Is it me going older?

Then again, it is just a matter of choices and several reasons to live abroad. It is another story to stay at the heated Indonesia with dumb government who don’t give a damn about some email account. As for me, the choices consider a question, “which one really need me?” instead of how big the temptation and the chances is. I guess the achievement doesn’t really excite me anymore. But maybe we’ll see.

PS: My beloved friend, Rizki Narindra just got accepted for a scholarship in Milan. He will get his Master degree majoring in Energy Environmental Management and Economics. The thing is I proud of him just because he got the scholarship, not because he is going to go across ocean and landed in Italy. Oh, that’s just an additional item.

2 thoughts on “abroad

  1. Rizki’s going to Milan? Wow, won’t be really surprised if in months he’ll switch directions into modelling… Hahaha!
    Vacationing abroad seems very overrated these days, but let’s put some cynical thoughts aside and still save some money in case one day we have the chance, Yu. I mean, yeah, it’s getting tackier, but who doesn’t want to see the world? And you know, if someday you often get to go abroad, you don’t need to brag about it; or even tweet it. You’re cooler than that. Hahahaha!

    1. Haha, sebenernya lebih pengen ngomentarin orang yang bercita-cita ‘hidup’ di luar negeri sih, Vit. Yeah, I guess I’m growing more cynical day after day. Rizki mah gak usah switch direction, dia cukup cari cewek yang model aja :))

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