He’s Perfect

//May 29, 2010//

And he’s perfect for everything, saying wise words and lots of quotes. Making articles and short. Got the graduation I’m dying for, got everything without my reach. He’s perfect and has a lot of friends. He was once a friend, but not now maybe. He’s not hating, but I failed to fix the broken heart. I remain far away and I’m happy. I’m still afraid of you but I know what you’ll be saying. “Leave it in the past” and I’m not trusting. Congratulations, may you have a nice graduation with the boyfriend you love so much and the friends you will be taken photo with. With your little inner circle, stay close, having karaoke and dinner like usual. Taking premiere summer movies and no one disturbed him. You’ll be a great one and you’ll graduated. Oh, take everything and be happy with yourself.

Be Friends with Random

//May 28, 2010//

I’ve been seeing graphics, tables, waves, and numbers. Just right to make my neck goes stiff. Last night, I’ve received a phone call. She said my Perfect Family script just makes the cut to the workshop and I don’t really know how to behave. I’ve been angry and so mad, then I’ve just want to fast forward everything. Tonight, I’ve been hearing the words “Syiiit ~” and “Bangke!” over and over again. Listening to SNSD and Super Junior on my right ear, while Beyonce and Avril Lavigne screaming on my left ear. It’s making you dizzy late at night. The summer movie galore is coming like stream, but I haven’t got any chance to coup up with the current wave. I want to refuse everything, and just writing tons of thing on my room. Alone with the Glee soundtrack and a cup of Mc Flurry Choco. I’ll be fine and happy, having my scan roll coming for hundred of photos. She’s pretty and she is safe and protected from any harm. But the nice thing is, she doesn’t like me and let it be. T-Rex and Bruce Springsteen, I’d like to hear from you soon.

Oh the random things, you keep coming like the wind and I’m not going to disappoint you. I’ll write you along.


//February 26, 2010//

For people recognizing my writing, I often write about the word ‘hate’. It is anger. It is crime. I know. As far as I can remember, I’m not the kind of people who hates people so much. But as far as I can remember I’m tired being the golden child.

I am a judgmental person. I judge people. A lot.

Many times, I tried to change the way of my thoughts. And many times, I failed. Because in real life, everybody is judging other people. People you cross on the street, your own best friends, your swear enemy. We judge those people the way we thought about them. Wheatear is good or bad, it’s still judgment.

People hate to be judge. “Because you don’t know the truth”, they say. But they also do it on their own. And don’t think that you’re gold because you hate to be judge. Look around, think it again. It is other people who’s judging you, or you’re the one’s judging other people?

PS: The only reason I hate people and start to judge them is maybe because they are complaining. Complaint is loser’s business. Complaining is my worst sworn enemy! And yes, once again, this is the only reason why I hate people. I hate people whose complaint too much without realizing the gift they’re already had. Think it again, spoiled little bastard!