//January 02, 2010//

The definition
Gue baru saja berbincang dengan seorang teman, and uh-well-the story is always repeated. It is still under the name of love. Yeah, the reason why Beatles created the song ‘All You Need is Love’, the reason why Jack Dawson said “You jump, I jump.”, and the reason why the Capulet girl stabbed herself. Yes, it is (again), about love. The never ending discussion that still growing towards civilization. Gue sangat suka baca posting Puty yang judulnya All Love Stories Are the Same dan membacanya gue hanya senyum-senyum saja dan setuju-setuju saja. Karena gue bukan orang yang ahli soal gini-ginian, gue tidak bisa berani-berani memberi petuah kepada orang lain soal ini. Gue juga jarang sekali membahas soal ini, because I can’t tell you what love is.
Is it a beat that keeps banging your heart and head every time you see your significant others? Is it when your face becomes red when he/she smiled at you, and you don’t know what to say and started trembling? It is a thankful feeling just to sit next to him/her? Is it the comfortable feeling that makes you can talk about ANYthing in the world? Is it /just/ that? Or is it more than that? I say, don’t dare to tell people what is love if you don’t know exactly what it is.
It is just my opinion. If you have any beautiful feeling that always disturbs you for seeing someone, oh dear, keep it, treasure it. It is maybe your most sincere and beautiful feeling you ever have. Don’t rush to call it love. Because maybe, you won’t find the name of your feeling in every dictionary, or word from every languages. You won’t find the right definition for it, because maybe, it is more than love.
The Over-Exposed
Maybe, it is just me. Maybe, it is only me. I just don’t get it why people over exposed their feeling towards internet. I just don’t get it why they express the love they feel, when they can meet every second? Why is it happen after they texted or phone each other? I just don’t get it. They write on each other wall, express everything itchy (I mean this), and when people got to comment it, they said with blush expression, “Oh, why you all need to comment it?”.
Dear, you do aware of the danger of internet, do you? You know that the idea of the internet is, IT IS VISIBLE TO OTHERS (others = EVERYone on every corners of the world). If you don’t want anyone to comment it, write it on a paper with a real pen, not a keyboard on the Facebook wall. I don’t judge, I just want to know why. Mark Zuckerberg-the creator of Facebook—did make a Message feature on his website and e-mail just happens to be perfect for expressing your feeling /privately/. Is it just for publication? Is it just for being famous? Maybe, I won’t find out why. Maybe it is just their excessive feeling that they don’t know how to spill it anywhere. Because they’ve just used all of the options. Maybe, maybe. Once again, it is just my two cents. Afterall, everybody can do everything they want to do, right?
Overexposed is not really the thing.
It’s not something you blab to other people.
Monthly anniversaries, greeting, thankful feeling, thank you, sorry, miss you.
It is more beautiful when the two of you is the only one who knew.
It’s not the information you give to other people for popularity.
I mean, who’s like lollipop for share?
(It’s kinda gross to share, actually.)
So, it is just my thoughts, no one’s buying it anyway.