Weekend’s Treat

Since it’s weekend, I’d love to roam across the internet, doing nothing, looping songs in Spotify playlist, repeatedly watching the same YouTube videos, and ease up any tension I had before. I think everybody does that once in a while. So here’s to another weekend, another random round up made for you.

These days, your favorite rock bands seem to find ‘new sound’ and evolve with this whole new generation. Paramore goes electronic and Linkin Park goes pop (Chester Bennington, may your soul rests in peace), bBut Blink-182 only finds their new sound by going back to their roots. The deluxe version of California consists the original 19 tracks + 11 new songs, and 1 acoustic version of their released song, Bored to Death. A generous treat for people who still prefer listening to rock instead of hip-hop and electronic music.

I once wrote about a Korean band named Akdong Musician. The sibling has been known for their signature witty lyrics and acoustic folk music, but this time Lee Chanhyuk brings the modern music to AKMU’s song for a suitable summer track. Their latest single, Dinosaur from Summer Episodes single album, explores a whole new world of genre called… EDM! The song feels different from their previous release and sounds weirdly good. Lee Suhyun’s clear voice brings the synthetic back sound feels fresh. The back sound also drops and changes a little every time it loops back. The music video gives the Stranger Things’ vibe with all the bicycles and forest exploration. Now, AKMU just needs to release Fall theme album to complete all seasons of the year (so far, they already have SPRING album, WINTER album, and Summer Episode single album).

Since Winter is officially coming for all Game of Thrones’ fans, here’s a very interesting website of the fictional branding agency of Westeros called Westeros Design! The agency has done a good job of rebranding the famous old houses of Westeros and do side jobs in between (like making a new sigil of Baelish House and craving Greyjoy’s fireplace decoration). Even their About page is hilarious.

The latest Spiderman movie titled Spiderman: Homecoming features the young Peter Parker in his high school days. Marvel takes a new approach to bring back the Spiderman’s franchise back home and it gloriously works. Though the movie feels tiring in some parts, it’s still fun and fresh. This is the third reboot for Spiderman and this is also the first time the Spidey looks… a lot like us. The friendly neighborhood Spiderman is nothing than everyday human being who wants to prove himself worthy. In the end, like many of us, Spiderman finds himself when he finds the real Peter Parker inside :3


In the time when digital presence matters a lot, sometimes I don’t find this blog that much of “Blogworthy”. I write what I want to write without thinking. I don’t craft my words that much so it matches my image. I’m too insecure to promote a new post that casually on other social platforms. Sometimes, I don’t understand how all those people on the internet have the courage to do a lot of things. I know that all we need to do is hit the Send button and we’ll be another faceless mob on the internet. But sometimes, I have a lot of worries. I have a lot of unpublished drafts just because I don’t have the courage to hit the Send button :))

So, when Vita asked me to write for Cerita Perempuan I was really tense. At first, I was hesitant to write the story of my unemployment days, but words just kept flowing. By the time I finished it, I was too insecure and afraid. I didn’t feel the story is inspiring enough and the thoughts of “will I embarrassed myself for writing a story about fears?” kept crossing my head. But then, I hit Send anyway. Vita and Cerita Perempuan team gave me a positive response and it was really touching. I never really realized that my writings can impact that much, some people say they love my words. It was a weird feeling, but also the most heartwarming. But then again, if I can make love accessible by writing few words, wouldn’t it be nice to write hundreds of it?

So cheers to the next hundred of words, may they fly to whom it should belong. Have a nice weekend :)

4 thoughts on “Weekend’s Treat

  1. Salam kenal kak Prisanti,
    Saya selalu suka dengan tulisan-tulisan yang ada di blog uncletivo dan selalu kagum dengan pola pikir dan kemampuan kak Prisanti. Saya juga belajar banyak dari blog ini mengenai bagaimana cara memulai bisnis dan website-website yang dapat membantu saya memulai bisnis tersebut. Therefore, this blog is totally Blogworthy.
    Will wait for another insightful & inspiring post :D

    1. Hai, salam kenal. Terima kasih ya, sudah mampir dan membaca. Wah senang sekali kalau bisa membantu kamu memulai bisnis :’) Sukses terus buat kamu yaa 🙆

  2. halo.. as a stranger i’ve been a silent reader of your blog for quite a while. i’ve enjoyed it a lot since i love your way with words (how i hope i can be as good!) and i can feel your honesty and sincerity in writing. as an introvert, most of the time i am just looking for blogs that shares experiences and perspectives of life as it is, as we live it day by day. i guess it gives me the feel of ‘connecting’ with other human beings without actually interacting :)) your blog is among a few that give me that. most blogs nowadays are way too crafted and treated as a business. nothing wrong with that, but it’s not the only way to blog and not the only kind people want to read. so please don’t feel like your blog is not blogworthy ;) thank you for brightening my days. i wish you much joy and happiness ahead :)

    1. Hai Ratna, thank you for the kind words. As a fellow introvert, mostly I do exactly the way you do, being a silent reader of others’ blogs :)) It’s actually really touching hearing from you. Thank you for reading this blog and I hope you’ll also find more happiness.

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