The Last Three

//December 17, 2009//

Every now and then, we’d like to make achievement on New Year’s Eve. Some were actually done well enough, but some were actually never had a start. So, as the years passed, we stop making wish list that we address it as a ‘resolution’. In my opinion, it is good to have something you keep in mind, something you want so determined that you even publish it to other people and public’s eye. But it is the end of the year, and I’m not here to give you any of my achievement for next year. I’m here to give you all promises, I would like to have on this very three months ahead of me.

I grew up, wanting to take care of people. And for your humble information, here I am. Taken care of many (as I write many, it is really written as many) people. It is almost 9 months, and I learn more than I can think of. So, for this very next three months, my last three months, I’d make promises I can’t say OFF. I would like to go far, I will leave all my comfort everything, my very sweet everything. And I will start at this very moment.

I promise myself to get up earlier and come earlier to the place I have to be taken care of.

I promise myself to greet every people I have to be taken care of, and it is without exception.

I promise myself to be cheerful, modest, and sociable as I can be. I won’t be moody, gloomy, or making sad faces to anyone.

I promise myself to be compassion and high-spirited to every activity I attended. I will love all activity I ttended like it is my own event I loved it so bad that I cannot live without it.

I promise myself to give a lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs to every people I have to be taken care of.

I promise myself to take give my health a top priority that I cannot let my health to be an obstacle to anything I would do the next three months.

I promise myself to control all anger, profanity and bad words come from my mouth to anyone or anything.

I promise myself not to disappoint anyone about all my act and behavior.

And I promise myself to do harder to anything I will do for the following three months.

The last three, and I’ll make it all worth.


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