Wisuda Oktober 2010

//October 24, 2010//

Graduation is not about the celebration. It is about the people who gives you flowers and congratulates you. It is about the people who takes photos with you. It is about the people who marchs with you.

Graduation is not about the event. It is about the people who smile with you. It is rather sad than happy.

same old October, baby

Terima kasih banyak, Fungsionaris 2010-2011, Anak-anak tercinta Cakru 2009, Mangasi Napitupulu (that was quite a bouqette, yellow and red and the 23 :D), teman-teman wisudawan FT April dan Juli 2010, massa himpunan HMFT dan FT 2009 (that was quite a performance), Manis si penguasa (Lukman, Ijul, Angga, Praba, Ayu, Alvin, Bravo, Insan), Megarini Hersaputri & Mutia Prabawati (thank you for the birthday gift), wisudawan FT 2006 (aaahhh kalian memang juara, wisudawan paling brutal ini mah), and Reva Astra Dipta (ha-ha, nyesel gak wisuda April?). Thank you for the flower, the gift, the smile, and EVERY SINGLE KINDNESS you all guys gave to me. Big bunch of kiss.

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