End of January

By the time we say hello to Monday, it is the last day of The Mother—January.

Some quick random updates:

Now, I’m taking internship at some consultant company at Cikini. It’s just been a week and maybe I’ll tell the story later on. The traffic is so damn bad and when you read headlines like “Jalanan Jakarta Mengunci”, it is just a sign of later bad luck (sigh). Now I understand why the people on big city got their apathetic way of thinking. They’re busy taking care of themselves, they just don’t want taking extra credit to care about others. So yeah.

Here is my scenery for a day. The office located near the Cikini Station, so it is such usual experience to watch train passed my window every couple of minutes.

Though it takes 3 hours to get home, I guess I’m hanging on well. I love the people at TransJakarta, they’re different from one another. The polite lady who asks you to sit before them. The fashionista who doesn’t bother taking public transportation after shopping on Grand Indonesia, taking a plastic bag of brand clothes. The Japanese with mask, who is busy taking their business calls. It’s just a damn fun to really see many faces of Jakarta citizen.


Remember the last time I said about how I got on Youth Leader and the whole online volunteering. It’s going pretty good and we’re just launching Our Priorities! You can check out the website here http://ourpriorities.youth-leader.org, then maybe subscribe to the Newsletter or sign some petitions. I should be excited about what we’re going to have next. We’ll be adding member from the Translation Team and later the website will be available in 12 languages.


I’ve just watch Black Swan! After longing to see some Oscar material, I got a rare satisfaction this time. I watched it with my little sister last week, and our eyes were glued to the screen. That was a damn hell of a movie watching experience. We swear along time the movie, trying to figure it out what is it all about. Then at the end, we got an unspecific answer we’re seeking. And we’re just chilled when the credit rolls. By the way, all the movie poster are so incredibly beautiful.

So, how’s your January? Chinese New Year is coming up this week, and it is the year of Rabbit—my sign from Lunar Calendar and yeah, everyone expect prosperity at the end of the day. May you all have a great year ahead of you, because it is just the beginning of 2011. Cheers :)

2 thoughts on “End of January

  1. Wow, never thought you’d be moving from diaryland. com to wordpress! though I like the layout here better; it’s simpler and the font size is bigger.
    I agree with you, Black Swan is sick! Though everyone praise Nat Portman for successfully delivered such neurotic main character, but I personally never expected that Mila Kunis could act that good. It was… indescribable.
    And oh, good luck for your new routine! We REALLY got to catch up with everyone in Jakarta when I finally finish clearing this… mess.

    1. Yeah, Mila Kunis! I thought I would be remember her as Jackie from That’s 70s Show forever. But I believe people will soon recognize her by this movie. Haha, dibilang ‘mess’-lah. Semangat juga, vita! Semoga cepat beres dan dapat meraih karir dengan cemerlang secepatnya :D

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