Though I always keep on smiling and try to hear Katy Perry’s Fireworks, the last weeks were so frustrated for me. I know things are going to get harder after this, and I thought I was ready. The pressure was so tight and it is the only time I wish I could Apparate like Harry. But luckily, I got my escape.
I walked on a trip. Trying to find out what’s there to left. Trying to find myself and all the reason why I still trying to take my idealism. Sometimes, I thought I got my answers, but then I re-run it again and found those are just reasons I made up. Then, I let myself contemplating. Through the fresh air and the slow people. Looking to bus schedule and some maps. Photographing charcoal.
Some say, people is never satisfied about what they have. But I found myself here, check listing none of above statement. I’ve never complained about the jammed Jakarta, or the heat of the street, the amount of sweat I have to endure, the crowded public transport (known as Kopaja/Metro :P). I’ve never get jealous about anybody’s salary, or the (famous) company they got into. I’ve always find myself thankful about everything I have, but then, I guess it’s never enough to compress the stress.
I know I’m still trying to catch the glimpse of distance future. But I just want to remember this laugh, this smile, and this moment. I want to enjoy today. I don’t care about anybody’s judgement, yeah (I wish) I don’t care about others.
Random shot, random people, random passanger’s hand, tapi minumnya tetap teh botol Sosro kotak :P
Btw, I recommend The Green Hornet. Though RottenTomatoes only gives them 46%, Gondry’s magical touch is not faded at all. It’s still laughable, lovable, and surely enjoyable. Review is here! Gosh, finally I write another review :D