All things that breathe would surely come back to dust and dirt. To earth they have been born into. People are always asking why and how. The very question you don’t want to answer at the funeral. It was a long time since I’ve been shed any tears for anything beside a movie and all stupid unimportant shenanigans. The truth is, I’ve never been in one.
Life is something we don’t understand. Life is something you can’t expect. And a life’s been taken is another sign of life.
Every problems you have in this world, every situation you’ve been, would surely gets better. But when you’re dead, that pretty much is.
Emotion is good. It is a sign you’re alive. Especially when you’re realized you’re pretty much of a heartless. But then life continues, just like that. Just a split second further than your last breath.
I just wanted to tell you, things I couldn’t barely say last week. You’ll be missed and you’ll always be loved. Thank you for giving me a name. Thank you for reminding me that I am alive.