Back in 2006, Hiro Nakamura is a cult sensation. That time, a TV series named Heroes and its tagline “Save the Cheerleader, Save The World” became widely popular. Heroes has set of interesting meta human superpowers on the show, like the cheerleader, Claire Bennet. She has the ability to regenerate herself, thus cannot be killed. Nathan Petrelli has the ability to fly. Matt Parkman can hear all the voices in the world. But Hiro Nakamura is probably the most lovable. He possess the ability to control time and space. Hiro can transfer to anytime and anywhere in the world with a blink of an eye.
It is almost ironic since nowadays people struggle with time and space. As if 24 hours would never be enough for a day. Bad economy also forces us to works 2-3 jobs and everybody seems to have a business outside their 9-5 job. But sometimes, I can’t help but wonder. We ALL have the same time frame, 24 hours. While some likes to whine about things, some people organized their 24 hours and create magic.
Some become activists and create jobs across the globe.
Some creates education programmes for indigenous peoples of Indonesia.
Some mix technology with DIY and create an addicting website that aims to unlock woman’s creativity.
Some share stories and try to break the stereotype.
Some make the most awesome brand on the universe by creating fun stuffs (which some includes pink and glitters!).
Some just kick ass, got into college at 12, got into Phd at 16, and tries to give robot a heart.
While some just happen to be PRESIDENT.
Do you realize that all of them are woman and some of them are mother?
So, how’s your 24 hours treating you?