Remember, Remember, The First of November :)

//November 01, 2010//

November Rain is just any other song. I personally, is welcoming November with joy and passion, also with hope and dreams. November is a month dedicated to words. So, after experiencing ‘FAILED’ two years in a row. Let’s say hello to NanoWrimo!

Thirty days and nights of literary abandon!

For those of you, who don’t know what the hell of NanoWrimo or those who wonders why it made trending topics today, here a quick brief explanation.

The goal of NanoWrimo is to write a novel containing 50.000 words in 30 days. It begins on November 1st , all participants try to spend their days and nights to achieve all the glory. It might sounds easy and all, but wait until you know what consistency really means. Wrimos also categorized all participants in regions all over the world and ranked them in a score board. As so we know, which country made progress and which one didn’t. After a certain days, Wrimos will feature some pep-talks to revitalize their participant. The pep-talk is encouraging, yet powerful. For the past year, the pep-talks already given the writers hope and help them finding their spirit again. The words come from various famous writers, including Neil Gaiman and Meg Cabot. The line-up for 2010 Pep Talk is including Holly Black and Lemony Snicket.

Like all family in the world NanoWrimo has relatives. On April, the event switched to write 100 pages of screenplay on ScriptFrezy. Last April, I also participated and just got trough 30 pages or so. I’ll tell you, this is a tough one to beat.

NanoWrimo is not a competition, but sometimes all you have to do is compete with yourself. Competing with all the laziness and the evil. So, November might be raining and might be hard but it is not worthless to wait and write.

PS: I wrote 2173 words last month on this blog alone, all you have to do is multiple it 23 times harder and you got the number of 50.000 :)

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