After a month of failed interviews and disheartening news, Ramadhan is finally here. It’s great to have a new routine to run to. I tried my hand on writing, but nothing comes out. It’s weird also that when I don’t have any intention on writing, I just blurted out 2000+ of words yesterday. I’ve been trying to be productive this past month, but still trying to get more grasp on anything else. Scrapping things each day, wanting to know what’s wrong.
It’s becoming harder to write about my own life each days, as I became more reluctant to share current information to anyone else. One day, I’ve been reading about argument about being extrovert, introvert and this new terminology called ambivert. I’ve been cynical to this, I can’t agree on the idea of people called themselves an introvert at sometimes and called extrovert on another time. There’s a big difference between not wanting to meet people or having their energy drained when meeting people. But then again, labeling a person in one thing is not entirely a nice thing to do.
On and all, here’s to another Monday and another week. Let’s try to have a really meaningful time for ourselves each day.