Lately, I’ve been making some account on Triond and Bukisa. The two sites are basically sites to promote your articles online. From what I read on Kaskus, some people even earn money from the sites (eventhough I don’t understand how). The website however enabled Google search trackback, that allowed us to know what keyword that makes people come to read our articles. It’s so weird to find that someone basically found my articles after Googled “what prisanti putri is doing right now?” Oh, maybe he/she is looking another person then. Some good friends also wrote hello on my inbox and walls. That’s a nice thing to find someone that actually simply asking “how’s life?”
So here’s my life now.
* I’ve been staying at home all those time. Cooking and watching entertainment shows with my mom. Playing Baking Life and City of Wonder on Facebook, please mind me if you find me playing another game online. It’s been hard to resist the temptation :P
* I’ve been taking my driving license (woo-hooo), the photos however is so ‘suram’ that I barely want to scream after the officer handed my license.
* I’ve been volunteering online with Youth Leader Magazine. Organization that I found from The organization however is already receiving their 4th time UNESCO status with UN Decade for ESD 2005-2014, their Indian team also just got an award from UN as the Best Online Volunteering Project for the year 2010. They’re going to launch Our Priorities websites soon, their newest addition focused on online campaign and petition for youth. The main goal is basically to spread campaign from other organization like Kiva and Avaaz, making them short so people can print them out to be placed on school board and etc. The captain of this whole project is a German named Eric, he’s been nice and also very visionary. I never imagined that people like this could really exist. He has been asked me to help him being Coordinator trough the making of this project.
At first, I feel inferior because this is my first time doing an online volunteering. In addition, when I go through my team member resume, uh woow, you’ll find many amazing people. Half of them are already taking their Master degree, some just taken their /second/ Master degree. Many of them have volunteered in famous organizations and travelled country to country, just because they care. But then, I’ll try.
It is hard coordinating people just from e-mail and chats. People come and go easily, because there’s no commitment involved. This whole online volunteering helped me fill up 2-3 hours of my early morning and early evening. Since it doesn’t take much time to do all the stuff, it suits me the best at this time.
* I will soon have another project with my friend who is also a pengangguran :P I guess we’re just the same desperate graduate in need of extra saving. And some other projects with also some other friends.
* Random Things: I’ve been googling a lot. How I can’t wait to get on a train again. Learn softwares that I hope will be useful someday. And yeah doing stuff (still at home), some this and that.
So, that’s basically my life right now. The same boring life, yeah sometimes I feel like I’m the most useless worthless people on earth. For a person who has run all her life, this kind of a life feels like torture. But yeah, I guess it’s not about what routine you have to do, but how you can make the most of it. Then I’m fine :)