Reviewing Cliché

Last week, when I got bored on my first day of internship, I made a tumblelog called ‘Hundred Reasons‘. I list down all the reason why I fall in love with someone. Things don’t matter, things do matter. But there’s a hesitation when I started the list. Does the list just something that I made out? To count down, moments? I know that moments is something that we better kept alone. Because the feeling of the moments remain, merrier than the one you share with anybody else. Then again, I keep questioning myself. Do I really need reason? Like to care about something, to love someone.

For an example. My first flower, which came at July 2010. You know, I pretty much believe that I want flower, like every girl does, but do I /need/ flower? I never liked it anyway. Like I said some couple of time, they all will be withered and die. Do you need something that’s not ever last? Then again, I keep questioning about those cliché phrase. The Rolling Stones song.

You can’t always get what you want

But if you try sometimes you might find

You get what you need

Then I shot the idea down. I deleted the tumblelog, I stop the list. I’ve came down to the conclusion that I don’t need such foolish reason to really care about something.

The wants and the needs. Lately, question keep pops up through my head.  Do I really want to be white collar workers? Do I want a 7 to 5 routine? The need is tighter day by day, and test after test. Well, pretty much pressure from parents and friends. Last night, I got another phone call-another invitation. But this time, I feel fire. Something that I haven’t felt for a couple of times. So, let’s see what tomorrow brings. I believe, I have destiny to be fulfilled, now is the time to find myself. And yeah, I don’t really need good luck. Just some little pray ;)

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