[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s finally November, yeay (two more months until the end of the year)!
I spent this weekend by doing some stuffs.
supposed to be following the alphabet template, ended up writing name bands instead :))
I randomly bought the Calligraphy Starter Kit here. Watched some classes on Skillshare and turned out it’s kind of fun (as well as hard). Upstrokes supposed to be thin, and downstrokes supposed to be thick. I tried brush lettering before, and the supplies were easier to get (Yamura Ink + Lyra Brush). I must say brush lettering is harder than calligraphy. I can get a hang of using brush pen, but no hope on using brush (yet). By the way, if you’d like to try calligraphy, I recommend Bryn Chernoff’s Calligraphy I: Writing in Classic Modern Script for a total-no-clue beginner like me.
And if you noticed, I re-arranged some of the things in this blog. I made a navigation bar. At first, I want to put all categories above, but it’s getting cramped :)) So I listed main things I love the most (which is so obvious) and split the categories into two. I have fun writing the description for each categories. Try accessing the Daily categories now.
I also made a newsletter form at sidebar. Now, if anyone wants to follow this blog, you can subscribe and received this welcome e-mail at your inbox :3
finding joy designed this newsletter :)
I, myself, subscribed to a lot of newsletters. There are a stream of good websites out there and most of time, I forgot what websites I just bumped into. So, I always think subscribing to newsletter is a good option to ‘keep in touch’. Not to mention that sometimes, I get a lot of free stuffs or discount by subscribing to a newsletter :)) Choose carefully which one you follow because after a certain period, you get a hang of which one is an annoying newsletter, which one isn’t (the art of unsubscribing).
Previously, I used MailChimp to send out monthly report for the scholarship program I ran. I think MailChimp is great and versatile to use. Their ready-to-use templates is amazing, they’re more sophisticated, and there are a lot of option to personalize a mail. But then, its autoresponder feature is only available for Paid Account :( I’ve heard about MadMimi before and after series of googling ‘MailChimp vs MadMimi’, I signed up to it. Here is a good article about their comparison. The autoresponder feature (or Drip Campaigns) is available for Free Account customer and though it lacks the fancy theme/template MailChimp offered, it still works great, and just basically anything I need.
I also changed the fonts of the Post Title (like anyone would notice :P) to a Sans-Serif fonts. I love Montserrat. At first, I want to change all fonts to a Sans-Serif to look more modern and easier to read on the screen. I tested them out and it lost its previous classic looks. I usually post long paragraphs and it’s probably a better choice to use Serif fonts for now. By the way, this is a beautiful example on how to pair a Serif and Sans-Serif fonts and this one is an infographics of Serif vs Sans-Serif showdown.
how this blog looks like using a Sans-Serif
I promised myself to write more this month as a continuation of last month #28postsfor28 spirit. So, good night tomorrow’s magic.