My Casual Week

I don’t really have anything to do for these last hours of Sunday. I’ve checked all to-do-list on my calendar and some random idea keeps coming and coming. I told myself to write, but I don’t really have anything to write. I’ve got no new news, since life seems roll like it should be right now. Work and some other things to do. I’m kind of exciting for few things, like a trip next week or Kawung Living’s first collaboration ever (ha!).

Speaking of it, some friends asked me how I managed time to run Kawung Living as well having a full time job. The answer is I really don’t know either.

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What We Barely Understand

I bumped into a friend, couple weeks ago. We didn’t say any hello, we didn’t talk. In an event with hundreds of people attending, it is likely to happen since we don’t really that close. I didn’t know his story, until I really met him that day. I’ve heard rumors and finally I knew what likely happened at an after-party later that night. I didn’t respond much after hearing that, but I thought about it a lot. Days after days. I’m kind of sad and blaming myself to not greet him personally. I’m disappointed by myself that something was holding me for saying hello. I’m mad that I’m becoming a person I hate that night. A person that afraid of differences.

The world has becoming a place with too many differences right now. Some crazy things that we cannot imagined happens. Maybe I will be forever opposed some of it, or I will never support it at all. But I can still accept it. I want to accept you.

 I just want to give love.

It is easy to live alone, and be enough for yourself, enough for your little family, enough for your circle of trust. But there is nothing as too much love, since God pours a lot into the world. There won’t be enough love to give. I cried tonight, for love that I cannot share that night. I don’t know whether we would meet again in the future, but I want to tell you that I cannot be more proud of you. It must have been hard, for you, for anyone. I know for sure, that you won’t tell me those story personally. But I want to still love you for who you are, for whatever things you’ll become.

Tonight, my prayer goes to you. For every plan you’ll have after this. May all the sunbeams and moonbeams shine upon your path. There is always be place for you, the one which is caring and loving. You’ll share it someday, you’ll find one someday. A state when your love won’t be enough for yourself. It is true that we don’t need another mountain. It is true that what the world needs now, is love. Love is always kind.

We don’t need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross
Enough to last until the end of time

What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone

Like a Confetti

It’s been a month since the massacre of Charlie Hebdo. Two gunmen attacked the French satire newspaper, killing 12 people. ‘Je suis Charlie’ and ‘Je suis Ahmed’ were trending. People sent their thoughts and prayers. The words ‘freedom of speech‘ and ‘respect each other‘ numerously spiked. The first edition of Charlie Hebdo after the incident raised another controversy. One question remains for me, how do people react on this kind of tragedy?

I don’t usually post thought on social media so fast about recent events. I’d rather be the last person to talk, at least I got the facts right and I build strong arguments/reasoning on how I want to direct my thoughts for similar cases in the future.

Charlie Hebdo is a satire newspaper. Satire has been a culture in French, usually used to criticize on politics, intends to bring awareness and sometimes, inspire. Would certain people in other country with certain culture accept the same black comedy as it is? Would they be offended and goes berserk? But the attacker is a French citizen, so I assumed either the joke is off limits or they really couldn’t see a humor as a humor. But then again, when you talk about freedom, there is no law saying it needs to be responsible. Freedom has no limits that is why it called freedom. Responsible freedom would be ideal freedom we all need. The world would become a really better place to live on if everyone has one. When Al Jazeera’s newsroom email leaked out, I got confused. I am all of them. Can I ask for respect while not judged to be called murderer? Can I defend freedom and still have faith to my religion?

This week another event came up involving Muslim community, The Chapel Hill. 3 Muslims shot dead by a lone gunman (the reason is still in investigation, whether it is a hate crime or just sudden anger). The word ‘double standard’ attacked the media. Once again, I feel really dumb by not really into the rage. I don’t really want to question anything. I don’t want to talk in ‘what if’. Turns out, all news outlet are now calling it breaking news. I just want to remind you that live matters, any lives matters. When people murdered in different circles around you, in different country, in different race, in different religion, I really hope you will still ‘that’ care. I really hope you give that kind of shout out into the world. Start asking, does ‘double standard’ also apply to yourself?

I don’t really care whether half the world or all of the world don’t agree with me. I’m not living to prove a point. I despise the killing and all kind of extremist on all level, whether it is about race, religion, community, etc. I strongly support the freedom of speech. But I want people to respect each other in some kind of phase that they are accepting differences as it is and sometimes, accepting unfairness. When other insults you in such a bad way, don’t insult them back. Prove them wrong, if you should. But share that kind of spirit to yourself. When you’re done proving them wrong, don’t insult them back, don’t rub them in the face. Just live, let them be, go on with your life. Having revenge is never do any good.

Nobody deserves to die, because death is endgame. I still want to believe people. I still want to believe that people have something that will change them in certain point. I don’t want to be an extremist. I really don’t, it’s frustrating, and it involves a lot of hate. I’m done being hater. We don’t need hate anymore. Can all people just be a good lover? The one that will toss kindness like a confetti.

2014 to 2015

It is almost the end of the first month of 2015! Happy (late) New Year, I wish that you got all the sunshine and all the beautiful moonlight this year.

2014 was a year of postcards. Most of the postcards I got, are from my sister. She visited 3 continents last year alone (say whaaat). She did tremendous works to get there, and I think I should started to do so :)) The other postcard are from Vina (who constantly sent me postcards from countries across Europe. Vin, maafin akulah gak pernah ngirimin kamu), from Keyno (who traveled to Belgium for a business trip), from Insan (who traveled to Japan and magically watched the Arctic Monkeys) and others. May all of you got more fun journey this year.

Last year was seriously good year after all, I had fun. Though I didn’t travel much nor achieving any better, but I (still) have fun. Probably because I tried to do what I want to do since a long time ago. Having a homeware business, going to Bali, and the rest of the bucket list. My scholarship program has been made to its 4th year, though I’m getting a little lazy to update the financial report every month (astaga Megaaa, maafin aku yang malas ini). But to have something that reminds you to give back is a good feeling after all.


(image taken from here)

Diana Rikasari published her book last year, and it was a no brainer for me to have it. I’ve been her admirer for a long long time. I’ve been buying her shoes a lot. I’ve been reading her blog, her Instagram, and everything I guess :)) She is my vision of ‘better person’. Diana Rikasari is a fashion blogger. The world of fashion is complicated and mean, it’s a jungle out there. The way she handles ‘haters’ and life problem is just epically kind and inspiring. I think she doesn’t have any mean bones in her. Once, I watched her interview about this ‘inspiring’ kind of thing. She said that she is astonished by how many people that have been inspired by her, when all she’s doing is just taking pictures and writes on her laptop. I guess once again, I’ve been falling in love with words and colors :)

She is one of a few things that reminds us to put some profit of Kawung Living and put it to better use. We’ve been adopting her charity model to give IDR 5.000 for every purchase of our product. Believe us, we’ve already been doing some counting also (ha!). We agreed to focus in women empowerment, just because women is a rock star. I am a total feminist by heart and I always believe you don’t have any boundaries whatsoever for being one. So here is for us, to you. All you beautiful Indonesian women. We are proud to become one.


Last year, a 2000 m2 space called Indoestri is opened for public. They want to make a community of learners, makers and all kinds of creative people. It’s a really good concept space, where you can learn various workshop from Woodworking to Pottery, Metalworking to Brand Starting, etc. They also offer annual membership that let their member to go on any given workshop they’ll held. Their workshop class is ranging from IDR 500.000 to IDR 1.000.000 for non-members. I guess it is worth all the money considering excellent guest mentor (Ayu Larasati previously held her Pottery class there FTW) and cozy space. But for me, it is a little bit pricey. Though someday, I really wanted to attend one of their classes.

LivingLoving also held some intimate gatherings slash workshops last year. The subject is ranging from food photography to playing with flowers. Ayang Cempaka also held classes about painting with water color, which is so envying!

(My Maken Stitch Tote Bag Kit in the making)

Last one, this is my personal favorite. There is one local brand named Maken, run by a talented crafter name Ojan. He (yes, a he) is a Jogja based crafter who has been blogging for years (I do admire him for a long time). Maken is not only providing you home décor product but also some simple DIY Kit, like stitch tote bag and stitch plywood. Their goal is also to make everyone feels the spirit of making things.

I really wanted to do something like that (and also having stationary line, haha). I have been writing some idea about making simple DIY Kit myself. Someday (maybe when I do not have any full time job anymore), I think I can really make that happen :P


So the theme of 2015 is to…


(Image taken from here)

I put this wallpaper on my phone in the hope that every time I see it, it will remind me about doing many new things in many new ways. I got this awesome wallpaper from Design is Yay, a blog by Wita Puspita of Pippa Paper. I super love her, her works, and kind of happy to have another source to go on to the internet.

I mean, social media like Instagram and Twitter (sorry Facebook, you are too ‘politics’ these days) are fun, but the joy of reading a blog and article on a website is pure bliss. So for everyone who has a neglected blog, you may wanted to visit that once more. Write a paragraph, about everything you feel, everything you see, everything you like, just everything. And for everyone who has been wanted to make a blog, do that, never look back! The time you do that, please tell me :3 Because one or two times, I do wanted to be that soulless person at public transportation who doesn’t bother looking up and just sucked into my phone screen. On that kind of time, your writing will meant a lot to me :))


2014 was a good one, but 2015 would be awesome (according to this wild wild child inside :P). For 2015, I guess I kind of want to do all things from this list.

(…and kids, that’s how  I spent undesirable amount of time of writing 2015 goal :)) Image taken from various sources of Google searching)

I want to learn and create a lot of things. Making a self-made product has been giving me more respect about things and the effort behind its making. Starting Kawung Living has been an awakening for me. Because I finally realized that the possibility of doing and creating everything you want, is endless. Especially in this rich country named Indonesia. I mean, you got natural resources like crazy and talented people like everywhere. Even when they are not posting something on Instagram, they are artist for sure!


I think I have blabbering and writing for hours right now. I guess I have been enjoying taking a break after countless sleep of making this website. Though it is just mess up right now, I like how it turned out. We don’t have any extra budget to hire professionals to make our website, so making it simple is just a right thing to do. Besides, I’m already ticked out my first goal for 2015 (haha!).

Good night, professional dreamer. May the odds always be in your favor :3

Maybe We’re Just Being Mean

Maybe we’re just being mean.
Maybe we are not sad at all.
Maybe we just wanted a conversation topic.
Maybe we just love to see soap opera.
Maybe we can’t stop blaming others.
Maybe we just wanted to punch somebody.
Maybe we forget how to be human.
Maybe we forget how to love.
Maybe we forget to take a bow.
To the ocean, to the sky, to you.

Tonight, let’s called early and hope.
Hoping for them, to stay under moonlight and amongst the stars.
Landing in enormous twilight sky.

Dear beautiful faces, until we meet again, you will be loved.

PS: Being a part of community in a vast stream of information, is hard. We are becoming part of people we used to hate. Becoming more of a person we avoid in the past. In that kind of situation, stop for a minute and take a breath, look around, and ask yourself few questions. Who you are, what you are doing, how you get there.