

All things that breathe would surely come back to dust and dirt. To earth they have been born into. People are always asking why and how. The very question you don’t want to answer at the funeral. It was a long time since I’ve been shed any tears for anything beside a movie and all stupid unimportant shenanigans. The truth is, I’ve never been in one.

Life is something we don’t understand. Life is something you can’t expect. And a life’s been taken is another sign of life.

Every problems you have in this world, every situation you’ve been, would surely gets better. But when you’re dead, that pretty much is.

Emotion is good. It is a sign you’re alive. Especially when you’re realized you’re pretty much of a heartless. But then life continues, just like that. Just a split second further than your last breath.

I just wanted to tell you, things I couldn’t barely say last week. You’ll be missed and you’ll always be loved. Thank you for giving me a name. Thank you for reminding me that I am alive.

All Those Bad Things

I have been an avid TV Series viewer. I have watched dozen of TV Series before. The one that is been cancelled, the one that took my breath away, or the one that bore you after 3 seasons (I am talking about you, Revenge). For me, there is few series that I like a lot. The one that entertained me for its brilliant lines, like How I Met Your Mother, 2 Broke Girls, The Newsroom, etc. The one that makes me want to write about it because its depth and how interesting it is to be discussed. Sherlock, The Simpsons, and Game of Thrones are fitted for the criteria. And there is few that so undeniably beautiful and you can’t stop thinking about it. For me the first one is LOST and then this, Breaking Bad.

Okay, the premise of Breaking Bad is already interesting enough. A high school chemistry teacher turns drugs kingpin by cooking crystal methamphetamine (shortly meth) after he diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in order to provide for his family after he is gone. Partnered up with his junkie former student, they take on the ride to journey they have never expected before.

I haven’t watched any episodes of this drama series until the last month of 2013. The show itself already started 6 years ago at 2008 on AMC, gained strong fan base ever since and suddenly become everybody’s favorite TV show (including Barack Obama and Warren Buffet). It is like a snowball effect. Everybody is telling how good the show is, and new fans arise, trying to catch up with its latest episode. Breaking Bad aired its episode finale on September 2013. The mind blowing fact here, the show has 62 episodes. Try to guess the 62nd element on periodic table. It is Samarium, which is essential in the treatment of bone pain with lung cancer.

If you asked me what one thing that makes such phenomenon, you can read here. The article pretty much listed all possible answers on why people love Breaking Bad. But for me, it is more than that.

Honestly, I can’t even define it. I don’t have any resembles with any character on the show. I even don’t know any of the cast before (I end up watching all interview of Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul on YouTube after finishing the series, from Kimmel to Fallon, Leno to O’Brien). I even barely know who Vince Gilligan is (but surely excited to wait his next work). At the end of season 1, we know that the series is going to be a good show. It is funny and brutal at the same time. It teaches us how mercury fulminate can blows up a room and how you can dissolve a body with sulfuric acid (which turned out to be busted on Mythbuster special episode of Breaking Bad, but we all forgive it). Turns out, Breaking Bad catches me off guard on how the show can be so menacingly dark and, like the blue meth Walt and Jesse cook, addicting.

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End-of-year Lists

It is like end of year already? How many days has it passed yet?

You know, ever since I got new job that 2.5 hours far from home (these days, you just couldn’t count distance by length, you count it by time), I appreciated time more than ever. And seeing many faces of people on my way home, meeting many amazing people on street, really make me realize that you are your own limit. Remember seeing people whines about how 24 hours is never going to be enough for a day. But seeing limits, seeing people surpassing limits, seeing how many things that you can accomplished for surpassing limits, do give me loud bangs. There is no such thing as ‘busy’, it is a word we made up to avoid other things, to not taking responsibility of anything else. It is understandable, but I know I won’t be using the word for quite long time from now. Because, I will be doing as many as I can do.

But first of all, here is my end-of-year lists that I want to share.


I super love this blog. You know how much I dig DIY, inspiration, or lifestyle blogs like my latest crush, Brit+Co. (I even have their apps on my phone). So, finding a local blog like this, is beyond amazing. Living Loving runs by two beautiful, creative, and talented housewives where they shared everything from some décor stuffs, recipes, DIY crafts, etc.

I am still feeling the same about television these days. Nothing good came up on TV. Then I came upon this http://remotivi.or.id/. The website is reviewing many programs on TV that is worth to watch and also programs that falls beyond the lines. Good articles. Oh, they are running on petition to ask KPI to ban commercial TV who broadcasts black political campaign.

Recently falling in love with Grouplove’s Never Trust a Happy Song. My personal favorite will be Cruel and Beautiful World, Chloe, Tongue Tied, Colours, and maybe the rest of the albums. Even though I’m not such a fan of their 2nd album, Spreading Rumours, this band is worth listened to. Plus, they make real good artwork.

And for the record, for anyone who hasn’t been listening to AM by Arctic Monkeys, you might lose a chance to hear gold. No matter how I missed the band old setlist and Alex Turner messy hair and awkward move, this gang are really a music prodigy.

As much as I love American Horror Story, Coven is by far my most favorite theme of all seasons. Witch. Voodoo. Witch hunter. It is so undeniably amazing. Jessica Lange teamed up with Academy Oscar veteran like Kathy Bates, Angelina Besset, even Patti LuPone. Not to mention, they play lots of Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac music. And personally for me, I like seeing Taissa Farmiga back on the show doing Frankensteiny version of Romeo & Juliet things with Evan Peters. But I do miss seeing such an absurd and powerful scene like Sister Jude singing The Name Game in Asylum.


Hank Green and Bernie Su are back with their latest adaptation of Jane Austen’s book—Emma Approved. From the book title Emma, Jane Austen said that she wanted to write a character that no one but herself will much like. But, like how the duo portrayed Lidya Bennet on their Emmy winning series—The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, I love this version of this 2.0 Emma. Stubborn, over confident, ambitious, yet lovable. See the video on, Pemberley Digital channel on YouTube and check this great article if you want to know more about the guys on Pemberley Digital.

Survivor: Blood vs Water finished its season couple of weeks ago. I really am not expecting anything since the disappointing reunion show at last season and the return of Redemption Island. Turns out, I’ve seen original games, great set of cast,  exciting Tribal Council. My verdict, there should be at least three people who is definitely going to get back on the game.  Even though there is still disappointment not to see any Survivor Auction or most favorite player being called out, it is still a really good season. Tyson Appostol played a lovable villainy games I’ve seen since Parvati taking the title back at Micronesia. Hello, Coconut Bandit.

Have a safe flight, everyone :)


It is weird when you have so many things to write down but you end up wrote nothing.

Last November is supposed to be National Writing Month. I remember when I was in junior high school and found out about NanoWrimo, I signed up right away. Every year, there were always unfinished story to write. Those were such good years.

But I am officially 26 and pretty much alive :)

Being happy and being alive in those 20-ish age is blessing. Being true to yourself, in this world, in this kind of time, are harder than I thought. But I still think freak is the coolest word. And would still feeling proud to be called one.

Then I floated again.

You know, we don’t always win in life. Sometimes we make mistakes, huge mistakes. But you just can’t stand where you are. We can’t undo things, we haven’t invented the time machine. Since the world is kept moving, you should too. Whining about a thing that happens in the past will take you nowhere. This year is almost finished. As new chapter would always start every second, start writing your own. Picture you crossing that finish line. This is not something you can leave unfinished.

Cheers to you, cheers to life. Happy living.


…and yeah the social media. I am not an avid user of social media, but I find it a useful tool to everyday life. If you use it wisely. Ever heard this sentence?

“We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”

FYI, it is actually a quote from Dave Ramsey on one of his financial book.

Other opinion about the vast grow of social media is people trying too hard to show the world how interesting their life is. They take picture about the food they eat, telling people what movie they watch, they show map of the place they are at or a place they visit at holiday, etc. When I was 22, I might be judgmental about these kind of stuff. Now, I learned about seeing it on a much much bigger picture than I already saw.

Life is interesting.

Life should be interesting.

If your life is boring enough to live up, it is your problem. And if your life is so exciting to live up, you should be thankful. It is a choice to share it with the rest of people or keeping it by yourself. It is none of your problem, to give a damn with other people’s choices.

Like I said so many times, what you see is still the half of the story.