Santa Claus

No, it’s not even December.

Santa Claus is probably one of the most famous fictional characters ever known by humanity. But to tell you truth, I have never wish I’d get a present from him. Because the only thing I envy for this breaded creature, is his ability to be Santa Claus.

Do you envy him? To be able to spread happiness, collecting memories of smile.

I don’t live in the North Pole. But I still want to be one. Hoping you all like the present, hoping it may brigthen up your day ;)


For those of you who wonder why I keep writing while I have a pile of paper on my desk and deadline to meet. The answer is easy, this is the only thing that makes me sane. When I sit on my desk because I was too early to scan my finger print, I write everything that flashed out. Or the time when I was waiting on the public transportation because of the traffic jam.

You know, for some reasons, writing with ink or pencil has greater satisfaction than typing words on invisible space. The joy of crossing misspelled words or the fun by spinning the pen when blanked out are hardly compare to the ticking of the keyboard or the Backspace button.

As for me, journal is something personal. I’ve never made one myself, but I have loyalty to fill it up. To make it meaningful. Usually, I write almost everything. Mostly about my daily expenses, my to-do-list, my goals, and some lines. About you, about the rain, about them, bestfriend, people, and feelings.

For example, I got this comfortable yellow journal for my birthday present. When I turn the pages back to the first page, I flashback to the whole 10 months before. My birthday, my graduation, my dreams. It is nice to remember the glory of the past, but it is just a sign to move on to the next plan. Let’s run again, shall we?

Selamat Hari Jumat untuk yang merayakan :P


pat·tern [pat-ern; Brit. pat-n] –noun 1. a decorative design, as for wallpaper, china, or textile fabrics, etc. 2. decoration or ornament having such a design. 3. a natural or chance marking, configuration, or design.

… and how it reminds you of certain emotions.

how precious moments are

how fast time passed you by

PS: Selamat tahun ajaran baru, Megarini Hersaputri dan Reva Astra Dipta. Semoga dilancarkan semua urusan S2-nya :)