Deciding Happiness

//October 25, 2010//

People have limits, I see one today. Anger, once again, is a strong word. I’ve been past that kind of word since sometimes ago and I’m glad I’m over it. I don’t want to be judgmental and skeptical again. It’s true that world doesn’t seem that kind of bright but it doesn’t look that dark also. Happiness doesn’t come in one package, maybe you get it one by one in a small bucket. People tend to describe happiness by something you got from people, or something you achieve. But for me, happiness is simply something I have. I’m happy when I got a glass of water after a long march. I’m happy when people print out my photos with an ugly face. I’m happy when I got to greet some unknown children in the street. I’m happy when I see myself in the mirror and find my huge healthy cheek. Maybe it is easy to be happy with people in your sides, but the truth is, it is easier to be happy with yourself. It is simply because you are the one who decides your own happiness.


Being One

//October 25, 2010//

Being idealist is not always easy. Sometimes you deal with the temptation, sometimes you deal with people who doesn’t stand about your thoughts. Being idealist is a choice. It’s like you choose to be main stream or choose to be those so called indie. Sometimes, I choose being main stream and it is okay. As long as you’re happy, that’s alright. The only problem with idealist people is (sometimes) they don’t listen. They don’t open their mind towards any other thoughts and any other angles. Sometimes, they close the conversation by saying “that’s just any other angle, so don’t bother”. Oh dear, it’s so last decade.

You can label yourself by being idealist, but don’t try to label others if they’re not walking on the same path that you walk on. It’s (once again) a choice, a serious choice. Don’t irritate others with your so called idealism and blaming them by their choices.

Being idealist is not always easy, it is hard. But being idealist who listens is way harder.

Wisuda Oktober 2010

//October 24, 2010//

Graduation is not about the celebration. It is about the people who gives you flowers and congratulates you. It is about the people who takes photos with you. It is about the people who marchs with you.

Graduation is not about the event. It is about the people who smile with you. It is rather sad than happy.

same old October, baby

Terima kasih banyak, Fungsionaris 2010-2011, Anak-anak tercinta Cakru 2009, Mangasi Napitupulu (that was quite a bouqette, yellow and red and the 23 :D), teman-teman wisudawan FT April dan Juli 2010, massa himpunan HMFT dan FT 2009 (that was quite a performance), Manis si penguasa (Lukman, Ijul, Angga, Praba, Ayu, Alvin, Bravo, Insan), Megarini Hersaputri & Mutia Prabawati (thank you for the birthday gift), wisudawan FT 2006 (aaahhh kalian memang juara, wisudawan paling brutal ini mah), and Reva Astra Dipta (ha-ha, nyesel gak wisuda April?). Thank you for the flower, the gift, the smile, and EVERY SINGLE KINDNESS you all guys gave to me. Big bunch of kiss.

Birthday Wishes

//October 16, 2010//

I supposed to post it last night, but I’ve just got asleep (as usual). So better late than never.

As a child and adult, we always made a wish on birthday date. Last year, I wish a lot of things. I even put that on my sidebar and labeled it My Wish List. Surprisingly, people whose kind enough granted all my wish list including the wants of plastic camera named Oktomat and a new book by dearest Paulo Coelho. But as times went by, wanting luxury items may be fun when your age doesn’t reach mine. Tomorrow, I’ll be 23 and I keep thinking it is selfish to want goods for your birthday wish. So as for today, I made by birthday wish.

I wish that all of you, having a good and healthy life.

‘You’ refers to a lot of people. First, it will always be my Dad, Mom, the happy sister Autie—hoping everything would be always stays on path and you won’t scratch another marks on that car again, the other sister Ivy—yeah you, don’t grow laziness on your back.

Second, it will be my dearest Manis, the mighty Fungsionaris 2009 – 2010. Insan & Vina, you’ll always be my sweet couple and I’m hoping the best for you guys in the future. Sella & Adju, fist bump girl! Let stay close, and thanks for all those talks. My besties, Anggaputra and the electic Ijul, heyho there you. Keep rocking like you’re doing know, you two are doing great and I wish you a happy life with those future certain someone. Bravo, Alvin, Praba, and Lukman, hey there my handsome fellas. You’re always cheering me up just with your existence. So, hoping I can always do the same to you guys. My sweet remains friend, Mangasi Napitupulu. High five, baby. Finding happiness always seems hard, but you’ll find one and I want to be the one who claps big that time. May you find it real soon :)

Next, it would be my great great friends. They say “Fisbang mengutamakan kenyamanan”, and I did get those on spending my times with you guys. Having you guys as lab partner or even lunch partner always be a gold. It is never been a regret to graduate on October with friends like them. Liza, Ali, Faisal, Ferdy, Om Pochan, Keno, Ivan, Naren, Dian, Gio, Mutia, and many other. Ayo, ayo, kita maju dan sukses bersama.

Then, my dearest Megarini Hersaputri. Thanks for being the way you are and those late night brownies (and candles!). Semoga cepat dapat jodooooooh :P

Hello partner in crimes, Reva Astra Dipta! Why having so much anger when you just need to smile about it? You taught me how to laugh and I’ll show you the way of having smile as your best friend.

Last, for other who is kindly accompany my life by being the way you are. Dinoy, sabar, tangkas, and many others!

Before anybody saying a thing on my wall or timeline, or even my inbox, I would like to wish everybody a good night sleep, nice dream, and bright sunshine tomorrow. May you guys also have a happy day and stay young at heart. Rock on :)


Hang On

//October 15, 2010//

Seeing people walking down the path I took last time, was not always good to me. Sometimes, I feel they’re weak because they complaining too much, making sigh-ed a lot, and lacking effort so much. But sometimes, I know how hard that is and it’s different for everybody. Sometimes, you cannot stand the same pressure as me or anybody else. Or maybe, it is way harder than the last time I played the game. There are too many possibilities why they’re acting like this, but I don’t take my time to guess. But baby, you know it would be hard, you knew the risk, and you should be prepared. Maybe you didn’t know it is harder than you thought. But stand still, stand where you are. Because if you’re back up a bit, you’ll lose big and it’ll cost you all the competition.

Yeah, it is not always good to see you guys suffer. Sometimes, I just want to look you in the eyes, let you rest on my shoulder and said, “I’ve been there. I know how that feels and it is the truth. But, hang on there for a little while. You’ll get used to it, and you’ll know how it feels to become the sole winner.”

Fist bump, girl :)