Lain Kali II

//June 15, 2010//

Romantisme itu omong kosong dan saya merasa tahu.
Padahal mungkin tidak tahu.
Kalimat rindu dan lagu cengeng, aah.. sudah bosan saya mendengarnya.
Suara-suara itu bilang waktunya semakin dekat, dan saya sedang merasa aneh.
Tertarik atau menarik, atau ditarik. Seperti jahat, duri dalam daging, nila dalam belangga susu.
Ia tidak aneh padahal, berlaku seperti biasa saja.
Berlagu saja, memberi karangan bunga saja.
Aah, saya harus berhenti.
Tapi ini terlalu menarik, seperti candu. Nikotin atau kafein.
Mungkin di lain kesempatan, tidak sekarang.

Untuk Penyelamat Malam

//June 12, 2010//

Penyelamat Malam suka bercanda dan bercerita.
Tentang orang-orang yang disukainya atau tentang kisah heroiknya hari itu.
Bersenandung dalam rangkaian kalimat pendek-pendek, dan kembali tertawa.
Penyelamat Malam hari itu tertidur larut, hanya untuk bercerita lebih banyak.
Sayang malam telah berubah pagi, dan Penyelamat Malam akan berubah menjadi orang biasa.
Penyelamat Malam menyebar tawa dan senyum-senyum kecil.
Tapi ia mungkin tak tahu itu.
Untuk Penyelamat Malam dan teman-temannya yang baik hati.
Diberikanlah senyum terbaiknya dari seberang.


//June 8, 2010//

Hari ini bukan hari biasa, tapi tetap saja bumi berputar biasa.
Merasakan siang dan malam yang sama, juga pagi dan senja yang sama.
Hari ini tak akan ada bunga atau coklat, tapi mungkin ada cuka dan kecap.
Biarkan hari ini bertahan selamanya, dan biarkan kami melupakan waktu.
Hari ini mungkin hari biasa, tapi siangnya akan berwarna hijau.
Malamnya akan keunguan, senjanya akan keemasan, dan paginya akan menjadi turquoise.
Setelah melukis langit dan berjalan di pelangi
Kali ini apa lagi?
Dan kamipun tak akan pernah tahu.

10 Favorite Bands

//June 04, 2010//

Starting today, I decided to make some lists. A ten number of everything I like, the list will be vary and completely random. But I love to be random, so why bother?



1. Blink 182
Aah, all time favorite. No wonder it’s my number one. Falling in love hearing the Mark, Tom and Travis Show and didn’t exactly remember it already flew 10 years.



2. The Beatles
Who does not love the Beatles? Alien from Saturn maybe. The reason, they’re legend, they’re genius. When everybody just happen to write lyrics about love, they sang hatred and sorrow with menya-menye lyrics. but The Beatles simply said “I Want to Hold Your Hand” and it is just it’a all about. It’s like “Aaaah ~, damn sweet…”



3. Sheila on 7
When people called it guilty pleasure, I called it great pleasure. I mean, the song is just seducing and I use to play their song over and over again without getting bored.



4. Green Day
Aah, another long time best friend. The lyrics just insanely a smart one. This band really can make a song.



5. Coldplay
Chris Martin <3. This is the example of another genius on post modern music. A plus about Coldplay is they happen to have a wonderful music video.



6. L’Arc~en~Ciel
My junior high school crush. A band from Japan in the glory era of early 2000s, whose music inspired many band (including music and performance, like J-Rocks). Though I never really know the meaning behind all those song, I use to love their melody and Hyde’s (the vocalist) vocal range.



7. Arctic Monkeys
After Blink 182 breaks up and Green Day long hiatus, here comes Arctic Monkeys! And I just love the tunes.



8. Spice Girls
An icon of girl power from British. I remember singing along my television set watching their music video on MTV. It is a viva forever for Spice Girls.



9. Save Perris
Ska is so hip on the 2000s, so I treasure this lovely band with their red headed vocalist in heart.



10. SNSD
:) Recently loving the catchy tunes, despite all things about plastic surgery or the anti-fans website. Yeaaa, So Nyuh Shi Dae!

11 and others: Mocca, Ash, Tokyo Jihen, The All American Rejects, Weezer, etc.


Feeling Alive

//June 04, 2010//

I just happen to have all reason to feel so failed about all July graduation, but for some reason I don’t feel that blue. Some says, you just have to lose, to know how to win.

For this couple of months, I’ve been watching closely to some lives. People who has graduation, people who prepares their graduation, people who (accidentally) delays their graduation, and I’ve never been thankful for being where I am. I haven’t got my graduation, which means more burdens for both my parents and sister. I’m sad, but I will pay them back. With any glory replacing these 3 months delay.

Because of that, I’m just planning things, for many. For June, I’ll be revising my script and finalizing my final projects. Getting my seminars on early July. For July, I’ll be preparing holiday, with workshops and (hopefully) some backpacking, holding flowers for my friends that graduate, kisses them on their beautiful dolled up dress. Writing tons of unpoetic sentences with wrong grammars and bad picture from my Instax camera. For August, I will be having application ready to continue my study abroad while having feast month and prays more. For September I will submit my CV on some United Nation foundation, begging for internship abroad, New York or Paris would be great. If I’m not getting any, I’d love to try National Geographic or even score on Kompas. For October, I will get my license to be 23 years old fellow living great life and having my graduation with some of my best friends. I need all those passion to live. I mean, being alive in nowadays soul-less world would be deary. I know all my plans won’t work the way I’ve been planning it to be. But failing and rejections are just the signs for me to know that, I’m alive.

I want to feel alive.