Now Scrolling, Vol. 3

Kemarin, saya membaca thread di Twitter tentang beberapa orang yang memutuskan untuk tidak menggunakan Instagram karena kebiasaan pamer di dalamnya. Hal ini memicu si pengguna untuk konsumtif karena ingin memamerkan hal yang sama dengan orang lain. Saya sih nggak ingin mengerdilkan masalah psikis orang lain. Saya paham respon manusia pasti berbeda-beda jika melihat sesuatu, ada yang bisa turut depresi atau ada yang merasa inspired. Menurut saya, wajar kalau misalnya orang merasa iri atau dengki, tapi bagaimana setelah itu? Apa yang harus kita lakukan agar kebiasaan tersebut tidak meradang di diri sendiri. Saya pernah menulis ini, salah satu runutan agar kita lebih jujur dalam memahami perasaan sendiri.

Selain itu, saya termasuk orang yang suka membersihkan feed/timeline dari hal-hal negatif dan nggak bermanfaat buat saya. Jadi, saya sebisa mungkin memang follow orang-orang yang bisa memberikan energi positif sebanyak energi yang saya lepaskan ke dunia. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya sempat menulis seputar akun-akun di Instagram yang saya follow di bawah judul Now Scrolling. Hari ini sepertinya, saya punya alasan untuk melanjutkannya. This list is totally random, but it does make me feel better and giving me positive vibes every time I saw their posts.

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Bertatap Dalam Hangat

Pretty pictures and quotable captions. A click away and hundred likes. You and me. And the electrical wavelengths between us.

Minggu kemarin, saya kembali berkesempatan untuk datang ke acara Cerita Perempuan yang bertema Self Worth in a Hyperconnected Social Media World. Membahas penggunaan media sosial maupun dampaknya bagi masyarakat modern mungkin tidak ada habisnya. Media sosial secara langsung dan tidak langsung mengubah bagaimana sosialisasi bekerja maupun cara kita memandang banyak hal di dunia. Mulai dari merebaknya social influencer dan bagaimana iklan bekerja, sampai komunikasi antar individu.

Ada beberapa sesi di acara kali ini, dimana dua di antaranya merupakan sesi social experiment. Di sesi awal, kami dipasang-pasangkan dan diperbolehkan ‘mengintip’ isi media sosial pasangan masing-masing. Setelahnya kami harus menuliskan kesan pertama dan apa yang kami rasakan setelah melihat akun media sosial pasangan kami. Lewat sesi ini, saya merasa bahwa tanpa sadar, hal-hal yang kita tampilkan di dunia maya merupakan apa yang ingin kita perlihatkan pada dunia. Kita membuat persona tentang diri, berusaha menggambarkan tentang seperti apa kita dalam keseharian. Tapi, ternyata orang lain belum tentu bisa merasakan hal yang sama atau menangkap sebanyak yang kita kira.

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Untangling Happiness

I first met Puty in my college days where I spent a lot of hours in extracurricular activities known as Liga Film Mahasiswa. Some of my friends introduced her as the-hipster-blogger-with-analog-camera. I remember one day, she left a comment on my old blog in Diaryland telling me she loves my writings. I don’t remember the rest, but I started reading Puty’s blog as the daily dose of insight every day, to the point that I added her on Facebook :)) That time, Puty even wrote a warning that she will only accept friend requests from someone she really knows. So, when I got my friend request accepted, I felt really ‘accepted’, haha. I grew admiration to her as time goes by because reading Puty’s blogs felt like meeting someone you already know for years (we’re both caught on CLAMP’s mangas, in love with autumn, and dream to write a book).

I always love how Puty weaves words and sentences. I love how her word of wisdom intertwines. I love her melancholic black and white photos. Reading her blog for years, give me a glimpse of a growing process, on how life and dreams can be adjusted as time goes by, of an imperfect life that is actually enough for ourselves.

But to be honest, reading Puty’s blog nowadays, sometimes made me really detached. Maybe because I haven’t passed the motherhood and emak-emak’s life. But I understand why she writes what she writes. The kind of writing and comic strips that she produced fit right to her daily life and the majority of her readers and that is one of the things I admire from her. She adjusts well in a time and place where needed. In a constantly changing world like now, that’s a really essential surviving skill.

The Pre-Order came with hand illustrated postcard :3

Receiving Puty’s book titled Happiness is Homemade a few days ago made me smile. The 160+ pages book is a full-color illustrated book that showcases her signature drawings and handwriting. I don’t exactly know how to review this kind of book, so l will list out things that I love.

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Pretty Delightful Things

It’s been a busy month since I’m barely resting at home and doesn’t take my time for myself. So writing in here is the only way I can relax my mind and see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. It’s true that inspiration is everywhere so, here’s a couple of things to check out at the upcoming weekend.

The Neighborhood’s Sweater Weather has been one my daily listen for a while, so hearing this cover from Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox is a really refreshing one. Cristina Gatti’s voice is still incredible and the French part is amazing.

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A Shower of Colors

It’s the half end of January already and what would be more fitting than a recap of beautiful shots of color? One of the most interesting things about Korean music video is how craftily (and carefully) it is made. Sometimes, you can totally ignore the music and still amazed at the music videos. From the proportion to the props, from camera works to colors, here’s a list of Korean music video that is totally my style. Colorful background, matching outfits, and of course, confetti.

Mamamoo’s music is always interesting. The four-member girl group has a very distinct musicality and strong voices that is energizing. Having been famous for using different adlibs, watching Mamamoo’s live performance is always a joy. You never know what will come next and they seem to enjoy themselves on the stage.  This 2017 hit song titled Yes I Am speaks about confidence and how they love their own imperfections. The music video shows glorious color block background with the heavy use of shadow.

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