The Bob Lennon – Endoh Kenji

/December 23, 2009//

Semua orang pasti punya tokoh favorit, idola nama kerennya. Ada yang mengidolakan atlet, artis, politikus, Albert Einsten, Mother Theresa, Michael Jackson, dan banyak lagi. Banyak juga yang pasti mengidolakan tokoh komik. Gue suka sekali baca komik, bahkan sampai sekarang. Tapi mungkin bacaan kesukaan gue masih berasal dari para pengarang komik zaman lama macam Naoki Urusawa, Eiichiro Oda, Akira Toriyama, CLAMP dll. Di setiap komik, gue pasti punya tokoh kesukaan, macam Hanamichi dari Slam Dunk, Nobita dari Doraemon, Sawamura-nya Harlem Beat, Luffy dan Zoro dari One Piece, dll. Kali ini, gue mau memperkenalkan salah seorang tokoh idola gue, namanya Endoh Kenji dari serial 20th Century Boys.

Buat para pembaca 20th Century Boys, pasti udah taulah, ya. Soalnya dia adalah tokoh utama di seri ini. Dia adalah seorang pahlawan tanpa tanding. Dia memegang gitar layaknya senapan mesin, dan berhasil menyelamatkan dunia. Endoh Kenji adalah idola gue.

Kenapa? Entah. Di awal cerita, Kenji digambarkan sebagai anak laki-laki biasa yang menggemari music rock tahun 70-an macam Rolling Stone, T-Rex, CCR, dll. Kenji punya segudang imajinasi dan banyak mimpi setinggi langit, yang pada akhirnya tidak bisa diwujudkannya. Kenji bercita-cita jadi musikus terkenal, punya band dan tampil di TV. Tapi pada akhirnya, ia berhenti dari band dan membuka MiniMart. Dia terus gagal dan lari dari masalah. Dia orang biasa yang harus tunduk pada tuntutan zaman dan lilitan hutang. Seiring bergulirnya cerita, Kenji ‘diharuskan’ menyelamatkan bumi, dia pun bangkit dan tidak ada lagi yang mampu menandinginya. Dia selalu mengorbankan dirinya sendiri buat keselamatan banyak orang-orang yang bahkan sebenernya rela mati demi dia. Yang hebat dari Kenji adalah entah kenapa, dia mampu menarik banyak orang. Dia mampu membuat banyak orang percaya padanya. Hanya dengan kepercayaannya, dia mampu menggerakkan banyak orang dan hanya dengan sebuah lagu, ia membuat orang-orang kembali berharap.

Kenji mungkin memang orang biasa, tapi Naoki Urusawa (pengarang komik ini) bisa saja membuat tokoh ‘sekuat’ ini (Kenji gk punya kekuatan aneh2 macam bisa melar atau punya senjata laser, dia diceritakan sebagai ‘manusia biasa’). Luar biasa, luar biasa. Hal inilah yang membuat gue suka sekali sama Kenji, ada satu kalimat yang gue inget, “Orang yang akan bertahan hidup adalah orang yang punya keinginan untuk bertahan hidup.”. Kalau ada yang sempat, coba saja baca komiknya, pasti kalian gk cuma jatuh cinta sama jalan ceritanya yang luar biasa tapi juga suka sama penokohan setiap karakternya yang gk biasa.

Hmm, tahun 2010 sudah di depan mata. Kalau boleh mempunyai harapan, gue pengen seperti Endoh Kenji! :D

Trivia: Dalam serial ini, Kenji membuat sebuah lagu, yang diberi judul Bob Lennon (singkatan dari Bob Dylan dan John Lennon). Di Jepang, rekaman lagu ini dijadikan bonus untuk setiap pembelian komiknya. Lirik aslinya ditulis dalam bahasa Jepang, ini lirik bahasa inggris-nya:

The sun goes down, and I can smell
curry cookin’, somewhere.
How long will we have to walk
before we get home?
Will the croquettes from my favorite shop
still taste the same,
waiting for me?

Night comes down upon the earth,
and I’m hurryin’ home.

They say
the ogres will be laughing next year.
And I say
let ’em laugh all they like.
I’ll keep talkin’ about
five or ten years in the future.
And fifty years later, If I’m still with you.

Night comes down upon the earth,
and I’m hurryin’ home.

Well the rain may fall

and the storms may come
And the spears may fall.
Let’s all go home.
They can’t stop us.
Nobody has the right to stop us

Night comes down upon the earth,
and I’m hurryin’ home.
Night around the world,
the entire world is hurrying home.
And I pray that these days will
continue for you,
forever and ever.


//December 19, 2009//

Neil Gaiman is an amazing writer. He is genius! His writing is like a river from a waterfall, it is rich and full of passion.

Neil Gaiman is the man who responsible of the amazing Stardust, Coraline, Mirror Mask, and many beautiful works (now you know who I’m talking about, right?) . More of his writing can be found on here. I want to share this lovely essay he wrote for the game SIMCITY. I love the essay because it is deep and full of imagination. I really do hope I’ll write like this someday (finger crossed).


By Neil Gaiman 

Cities are not people. But, like people, cities have their own personalities: in some cases one city has many different personalities — there are a dozen Londons, a crowd of different New Yorks.

A city is a collection of lives and buildings, and it has identity and personality. Cities exist in location, and in time.

There are good cities — the ones that welcome you, that seem to care about you, that seem pleased you’re in them. There are indifferent cities — the ones that honestly don’t care if you’re there or not; cities with their own agendas, the ones that ignore people. There are cities gone bad, and there are places in otherwise healthy cities as rotten and maggoty as windfall apples. There are even cities that seem lost — some, lacking a centre, feel like they would be happier being elsewhere, somewhere smaller, somewhere easier to understand.

Some cities spread, like cancers or B-movie slime monsters, devouring all in their way, absorbing towns and villages, swallowing boroughs and hamlets, transmuting into boundless conurbations. Other cities shrink — once prosperous areas empty and fail: buildings empty, windows are boarded up, people leave, and sometimes they cannot even tell you why.

Occasionally I idle time away by wondering what cities would be like, were they people. Manhattan is, in my head, fast-talking, untrusting, well-dressed but unshaven. London is huge and confused. Paris is elegant and attractive, older than she looks. San Francisco is crazy, but harmless, and very friendly.

It’s a foolish game: cities aren’t people.

Cities exist in location, and they exist in time. Cities accumulate their personalities as time goes by. Manhattan remembers when it was unfashionable farmland. Athens remembers the days when there were those who considered themselves Athenians. There are cities that remember being villages. Other cities — currently bland, devoid of personality — are prepared to wait until they have history. Few cities are proud: they know that it’s all too often a happy accident, a mere geographical fluke that they exist at all — a wide harbour, a mountain pass, the confluence of two rivers.

At present, cities stay where they are.

For now cities sleep.

But there are rumblings. Things change. And what if, tomorrow, cities woke, and went walking? If Tokyo engulfed your town? If Vienna came striding over the hill toward you? If the city you inhabit today just upped and left, and you woke tomorrow wrapped in a thin blanket on an empty plain, where Detroit once stood, or Sydney, or Moscow?

Don’t ever take a city for granted.

After all, it is bigger than you are; it is older; and it has learned how to wait…

Now you know why I love Neil Gaiman.

The Last Three

//December 17, 2009//

Every now and then, we’d like to make achievement on New Year’s Eve. Some were actually done well enough, but some were actually never had a start. So, as the years passed, we stop making wish list that we address it as a ‘resolution’. In my opinion, it is good to have something you keep in mind, something you want so determined that you even publish it to other people and public’s eye. But it is the end of the year, and I’m not here to give you any of my achievement for next year. I’m here to give you all promises, I would like to have on this very three months ahead of me.

I grew up, wanting to take care of people. And for your humble information, here I am. Taken care of many (as I write many, it is really written as many) people. It is almost 9 months, and I learn more than I can think of. So, for this very next three months, my last three months, I’d make promises I can’t say OFF. I would like to go far, I will leave all my comfort everything, my very sweet everything. And I will start at this very moment.

I promise myself to get up earlier and come earlier to the place I have to be taken care of.

I promise myself to greet every people I have to be taken care of, and it is without exception.

I promise myself to be cheerful, modest, and sociable as I can be. I won’t be moody, gloomy, or making sad faces to anyone.

I promise myself to be compassion and high-spirited to every activity I attended. I will love all activity I ttended like it is my own event I loved it so bad that I cannot live without it.

I promise myself to give a lot of THANK YOUs and SORRYs to every people I have to be taken care of.

I promise myself to take give my health a top priority that I cannot let my health to be an obstacle to anything I would do the next three months.

I promise myself to control all anger, profanity and bad words come from my mouth to anyone or anything.

I promise myself not to disappoint anyone about all my act and behavior.

And I promise myself to do harder to anything I will do for the following three months.

The last three, and I’ll make it all worth.


Age that matters

//December 9, 2009//

As for me, age is defining how many adventure you’ve already crossed from your list.

I’m 22 and I’m effing happy and thankfull. Don’t blame age for your own unhappiness, uncomfortness, and your carelessness to life. You’re just making excuses to your own mistake and regret.

Be thankful, because time won’t come back to pick you up.



//November 27, 2009//

I’ve been passionate about writing since elementary school. My father and all of my sisters aren’t a fan of books. In fact, we loveeee~ it. We were collecting books since I can’t remember. I read, read, and read everything I can back there. Comics, novel, fact, fiction, economy, poet, short story, dictionary, biography, fan fiction, everything. Book is people’s treasure. Since ancient time we already learn history from writings and drawings in cave. That’s why I leave my own history on my writing. I let people know what I think and how I see the world.

Since I know how to put a pen in a paper, and fingers in a keyboard, I’ve become writer. I write like tons of craps and junks, and I don’t even care what scribble I just put on. I’ve never imagine about plot when I was writing, I don’t know what my writing will turn out to be in the end. I just want to write about something, and I let that swing around, and voila, it’s done. It was never perfect, it was never so great, but the excitement and satisfaction remain excessive. So, that’s just enough for me.

The first time I write, I write novel for kids. Adventures, wanderers, fairies, a perfect writing for my age back in elementary school. For sometimes, I’ve found my passion writing for movie script. I write tons of it and my friend whose kind enough, discussed it and made it a better draft. Some were made into movie, and I just found my name on the credit title. Scriptwriter, it’s said. Then, I’ve found my passion writing for my blog. It’s fun enough because I don’t have to specify my thoughts into one subject. It is randomly fun, and I randomly write. Lately, I found my passion writing review. It is about movies I watched, event I attended, people I love, and many thing. But my little secret passion in writing is still the same, I really do want to write children’s book stories with illustration on it.

One thing about it all, it is still about writing. It is still about the same inspiration that I want to give to people. It is great, when people tell a positive critic about my writing, and say that they love it. But, I just know that many people out there just think it is still the same craps and junks. For better or worse, I will continue to write these craps and junks. I’ll continue on to put passion on it. So, wait another essays, reviews, stories, or anything from me. Because, I’m still feeling the fireeee~.