Time Is Always a Blessing

For me, Ramadhan is about spending time with family. There is no greater joy than spending the evening with the thoughts of the day from each of the family member at the dining table. I was able to only eating out once until now. As I get older it is a luxury to have a quality time with friends and family, as we distant ourselves between work, routines, and everything else. Time is always a blessing. Now that I have more time at home and having much more conversation with my family, I started to feel all of this, are more like blessing.

Besides that, I’m actually experience a sleeping habit problem. I cannot sleep before 2 or 3 AM in the morning while I need to get up at 3.30 AM. It is problematic since after my morning prayer, I can only sleep up to 3 hours at the longest. I cannot sleep more than that actually. Some says, dreaming awake is better than dreaming with your eyes closed, haha. But thanks to the insomnia, this happened.

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Things: Crush, Crush, Crush

One of the things that I have been giving more attention to lately, is managing my budget. I was an impulsive buyer (maybe still am?). But now with unfixed income (and some small installments still left), I need to separate what is important and what is not. So, instead of buying things here and there I started making lists and collages about all the things that I want (and still not what I need, haha).

Here are some of the things that I have yearns for years or just laid my heart into lately.

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Fun in The Sun

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t’s been a while since I wrote a random list, so here it goes again. These last months have been hard for me, as I find it really depressing. But then, life goes on. I think that now I have all the time in the world, why wasting it? I adapt to the routine well, get up in the morning, set up my own workstation anywhere in the house and start doing stuffs. I response faster to customer’s request and have time to really study a lot of things. It is weird that I finally check some to-do lists that I have been planning since the beginning of the year by only doing it on a day or two. I think this is the power of idle hands :))


Love, love, Summer love.

Last May was my productive month, I started to play around with Illustrator once again, find lights in it, and can’t stop about it. I pitch a lot of ideas and our Summer Collection is born. We tested it out by applying the pattern to the Mug first and then goes to fabric printing by tweaking some of the patterns. Cannot wait to get the result this week. We hope to get all the products done before Idul Fitri.


(image from here.)

As I said before, I don’t have a fix workspace on my home because I mostly use a laptop and sometimes carry a small bag (which always includes notebook, stationary, snacks, water bottle, etc). My favorite spots to date are my dining table and the floor of my sister’s room :)) My house is quite old, so there are so many stuffs on it that you can’t seem to move. I was planning to repaint and change the interior of one of the empty room last year, but my dad was against it. So the dream of having my own workspace is still pending then. But, if I’m allowed to dream about future office, Bando Office is the perfect fit. Messy and stuffy? Who cares! It’s fun anyway :3

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The Color of The Universe

Many publications, pictures, and movies often use dark color to pictured outer space. In a contrary, a study in 2002 said that the average color of the universe is a slight beige-ish white. The Washington Post published an article about the discovery and asked people to help named the color. Peter Drum submitted a coffee-like names, because the color shown on the newspaper that he read resembles the color of latte he had that time. Thus the color Cosmic Latte was born.

The False Color

When asked about the color of the sun, many people will describe the color by yellow or orange. Many movies or pictures also project the sun by tinted it slightly reddish or yellowish. It is not entirely wrong, since green, blue, and violet are dispersed in the atmosphere, making the sun appears like what we see right now. But, when viewed above the Earth’s atmosphere, the sun is actually white.