Hai lagi, Oktober.

Dear October,
I know great things always happened on you. And I know you’ll be too good to me. Anyway, there is an au bade outside my windows telling me to leap further and push harder. Next time, tell them to bring the whole orchestra, will you? :)

Oktober lagi. Bulan favorit saya. Sekarang saya sedang memulai sesuatu yang baru dan kadang perasaan saya selalu ingin meluap kemudian meledak. Ada rasa takut, bahagia sekaligus mendebarkan. Tapi teman imaginer saya selalu bertanya, “Apakah kamu merasa senang?”. Kalau jawabannya Ya, artinya semua baik-baik saja.

Nama rasa takutnya, Kawung Living. Brand homeware dan home décor yang niatnya sih ingin dapat terjangkau untuk berbagai lapisan. Karena saya dan Liza (partner kerja saya yg sama excitednya) tahu, bahwa mendanai properti pertama itu amat sangat berat. Kami ingin brand ini menjadi alternatif kebutuhan dekorasi rumah yang modern dan tradisional, tapi tidak menguras pundi-pundi Anda. Awal November ini, Liza akan menikah dan lucunya kami akan berpartisipasi di salah satu bazaar tematik di Grand Indonesia, tidak sampai seminggu dari acara pernikahan digelar :))

Oh iya, acaranya namanya Swag Escape (gaul banget kan namanya), dengan temanya From Brooklyn to Mehico. Kalau ada yang sempat datang tanggal 6-9 November 2014, kami akan stand by di booth no. B28 di lt.5 Grand Indonesia (shameless promotion gini).

Kalau diingat-ingat, tahun ini memang saya tidak memiliki rencana apa-apa. Sama sekali tidak punya jadwal perjalanan atau tiket-tiket murah. Ataupun capaian target mau apa dan harus mendapat apa. Jadi rasanya punya kegiatan baru di akhir tahun seperti dapat suntikan semangat baru. Sampai sekarang, belum ingin muluk-muluk sih. Saya sendiri masih ingin mencoba beberapa hal, sampai ketemu formula yang pas. Soalnya sampai sekarang sistem kerja kami masih agak berantakan. Mungkin juga karena pengaruh beda kota saya dan Liza (yang satu di Depok, yang satu di Cirebon). Didoakan saja semuanya lancar :)


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Hiding Tonight

I feel like writing tonight, so bear my random words.


You know, no matter how many times I went to Japan, every time someone posted a picture of it I always be jealous about it. Maybe I should go there once again, to proof if that magical wonder still exist. Third time is a charm, right? :P Meanwhile, my friend Insan is probably too excited to sleep waiting for his Summersonic magic to happen tomorrow (titip salam aja deh ke mas-mas Arctic Monkeys). One thing for sure, I already wrote down a complete itinerary for a train trip across Japan :)) Yep, including riding Shinkansen and the mighty night train Hokutosei.


How’s life? Not too much, just going back to regular routine of being average worker and hard core commuter. But life is changing a little bit, I’ve started to listen to music again. For some times, I’ve stopped listening to music while working (or any time et al). Now, I started to feel invincible again. Rock music would never failed you. Why would people want to end their life if they have good music like this? There is this one day, that I started my day listening Whatever by Oasis. It stucked on my head, and I played the song on the loop for the entire day. That day, I was a rock star, a spaceman, a social worker, a stay at home mom, a cook, an archaeologist, a painter, above all, I am whatever I want to be.

I’m free to be whatever I
Whatever I choose
And I’ll sing the blues if I want

Whatever you do
Whatever you say
Yeah I know it’s alright

On Being a Better Person

I started to wear hijab. Yeah, not much to say there :)) Just started laughing every time someone called ‘Bu Aji, Bu Aji’. Shenanigans.

On the other hand, I try to understand life better from many perspectives. I’ve been doing it for many years, but I guess it will never be enough. You know, if there is one thing about last general election that I need to really focus on, it is the ability to see more angles, many more angles. People is more than one thing. Trying to void the existence of someone by seeing them by one angle, is just a humiliation to their life.

And this is just a very reason why riding public transportation got a vital part of my thoughts about life. There is so many light across the street, touching them by listening their everyday conversation, looking at their gesture and appearance is always a pleasure. One day, I sat across a mom and her son on my ride home. Her son started to ask what a Moslem should wear during Eid al-Fitr, what the difference between an Israeli and a moslem, is their still any moslem in Israel, why they are fighting each other, why people in Gaza are being bombed, and it touched me the most when he asked, “How they celebrated Eid al-Fitr when they’re being bombed? Will they forgave each other?“. Such a young kid he is, asking a question about war and bomb. Words they shouldn’t need to use. We have created monsters. Each living in the darkest part of our heart, waiting to sneak out on a perfect time to make another war. Just because we are different, there isn’t any reason to stop listening. Just stop being a jerk.


Here is a confession, I hate people using the word ‘corporate slave’. Why do people seems so proud to call themselves like that? Even if there is a sarcastic tone there, I still hate it. The word slave has a long and dark part in the history of humanity. Just be very careful to use it to entitled yourself.

The Idea of Working at Home

Haha, I always wanted to work at home and having early pension as an employer. So the option to run a business that I like have been in my thought for quite a while. Earlier, for 1.5 years or so, I’ve been having an online shop selling imported snacks and chocolates. Buying products in wholesale and trying to resell it, is always a great place to start. Because it builds up your confidence, at least you know how to handle the consumer (and always being a bigger person), what question they’re going to ask regarding the goods, when they like to shop (a little tip: Always, I mean always, post an advertisement/send newsletter at Thursday night/Friday morning, because people love to surf and searching stuff at Friday, and buy things at Saturday). In a technical side, there are also many things to learn from. Maybe it teaches you how to think about packaging and what option and method you have to ship goods. For example, a fragile goods may need an extra bubble wrap wrapping inside, how and where to get them, how many layer you need to add, etc. And it is always a good idea to befriended mas-mas JNE (it always comes in handy), no I mean the shipping schedule :)) Maybe the profit isn’t that much, because you also need to watch the market price and in my case, *ehem* Indonesian currency. But it will give you better vision on your strategic marketing and branding.

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Catatan Kaki Orang Biasa

Wah, Indonesia punya presiden baru bulan Oktober nanti. Lucu kalau mengenang beberapa bulan belakangan di mana setidaknya semua orang pernah beradu “fakta” (yang kebenarannya dinilai dari sudut pandang mana kita melihatnya) ataupun menuai amarah dan kebencian terhadap satu sama lain. Beberapa membuat meme menarik, beberapa mengibaratkan Pemilu sebagai medan perang. Dan kesalnya, mereka mengibaratkan sebagai perang Baratayudha. Fffuuu, sebagai penggemar kisah Mahabarata, saya awalnya kesal (ini beneran saya kesal bukan main). Tapi toh mungkin pingin lucu-lucuan aja, lumayan gambarnya di-share orang di grup Whatsapp seantero Indonesia Raya. Ada yang benci dengan rakyat, benci dengan “orang-orang di belakangnya” (ffuuu, seriously?), benci dengan para pendukung-pendukungnya, dan mungkin benci dengan diri sendiri. Oh, ‘-nya’ yang dimaksud merujuk ke dua belah pihak, yaa. Saya sih memilih untuk tidak share ataupun komentar apapun di akun-akun sosial (too much drama). Saya memilih diskusi-diskusi di grup Whatsapp ataupun diskusi-diskusi personal. Saya sama seperti yang lain kok, share artikel ataupun membahas si “fakta-fakta”, kadang malah marah-marah sendiri, kadang nyinyir sendiri. Tapi bumbunya selalu bumbu bercanda, senang punya teman-teman yang selalu ringan menghadapi sindiran, senang punya teman-teman yang malah tertawa ketika ada yang terhina dan mencak-mencak, senang karena punya teman-teman diskusi yang membuat kaya dalam pandangan. Dan salah satu bacaan yang paling saya sukai, tentu saja yang ini.  Betul sekali, mari kita jalin hubungan bilateral yang solid dengan Eiichiro Oda!

Saya akui, saya banyak belajar dari Pemilu kali ini. Tentang kenapa Indonesia selalu disebut ‘The Sleeping Giant‘, atau mungkin negeri si pemalas. Kita kaya dan miskin di saat yang bersamaan. Kita ramah dan mencibir di saat yang bersamaan. Lumayan kan, kita bisa lihat tingkat mental dan kecerdasan masing-masing teman kita selama Pilpres (oh yes, you. I’m talking about you :3). Manusia memang tidak luput dari kesalahan, kita makhluk-makhluk lemah yang mudah terseret angin dan terhanyut badai. Tapi seperti kata raja kerajaan Arabasta setelah pemberontakan, “Tidak ada orang yang bisa menghapuskan masa lalu. Kita akan bangkit dari sini, dan menjadi bangsa yang besar!”. Indonesia bukan hanya tentang pemimpin, saya, kamu, kita, dan mereka. Rakyat.

“Rakyat itu ada sepanjang zaman. Sementara raja itu tidaklah abadi. Ia bertakhta hanya dalam masa tertentu. Ketika masa itu lewat, ia harus turun atau binasa. Sementara rakyat terus ada. Buktinya, saya ini ada di sepanjang zaman. Menjadi punakawan, hamba yang menemani penguasa dari masa ke masa, sampai hari ini. Kawula iku ana tanpa wates, ratu kuwi anane mung winates (rakyat itu ada tanpa batas, sedangkan raja ada secara terbatas).”

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Hello again, May

Let’s talk about random things for a moment.

Save Rock and Roll. My friend mentioned the album not too long ago and I remember that I haven’t written anything about this serious serious love. Fall Out Boy disbanded at 2008, and made a comeback through the album titled Save Rock and Roll at 2013. The title is maybe causing you weird feeling and can’t help wondering how overrated that title would become. I mean come on, the song Save Rock and Roll is hardly a rock song after all, and they are singing it with Elton John. Then they opened Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2013 and did a duet with Taylor Swift on that show.

But, every single thing about this album is screaming greatness. I love all the tracks. I kind of know that from the very first sentence that came out of Patrick Stump’s mouth on that album. It is ‘Put on your war paint’. They closed the album with the track Save Rock and Roll and as I listened to every word on it, I finally got it why the title should be like that. The Elton John part is essential, and all the duets (with Big Sean, Foxes, Courtney Love, Tommy Lee) are making sense after all. The satirical message, and how people see music, the culture, and they’re just wanted to sing a song that they can’t stop singing. They need to name the album this way.  And for the bonus point, they’re making a short movie through all the songs on the album, titled The Young Blood Chronicle at their Youtube channel.

My favorite song is called Young Valcanoes and maybe Rat-a-Tat got it to second place tied with Save Rock and Roll. To conclude it all, the world of rock and roll is much better with Fall Out Boy in it.


Gwen Stacy and The Amazing Spiderman 2. Oh Gwen, you melted mine. Emma Stone is so adorable that you don’t want to lose her in the first place. She loves Spice Girls, can you be more in love with her? It is not just a spoiler, it is a 41 years old spoiler. The Night Gwen Stacy Died was published in 1973 and such an influential event for comic book reader that time. Superheroes comic was originally made to make you happy. No matter how surreal it is, you wanted all the characters to have happy endings. This event marked new age of comic book history which guided the direction of comic book to a darker storyline.

I don’t fancy the movie so much, but I like the romance scenes (no wonder it Mark Webb after all) and the music (Hans Zimmer needs to form The Magnificent Six just to create the wonderful sound on this movie, scored on that one). And tough Jamie Foxx did a marvelous job to portray Electro, I just need to give a hands down to Dane DeHaan and his Harry Osborne. Sorry James Franco, this one is winning. Before playing Green Goblin, he was flying and crushing things in Chronicle (2012). One of the movies that I genuinely love and surprised me because I came to cinema without knowing anything about it (that is why I never read reviews before watching a movie). Overall, the movie is crowd pleaser, not more or less.


Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage, Peter Dinklage. David Benioff and D. B. Weiss contacted Dinklage to play Tyrion Lannister, long before the deal between HBO and George R.R. Martin was made. They know, that only Dinklage is good enough to play this wonderful role. Tyrion Lannister, on the other hand, is one of the strongest character ever made in history, one of my favorite that I look into. Last week episode titled The Laws of Gods and Men just marked another reason why Dinklage deserves that role. The scene of Tyrion on the court room is just spectacular. The speech is exactly what is written in the book, but it is Dinklage’s acting that delivered it through us all. The camera moves very slowly, telling a story by itself. My heart ache, and I started crying. Not because the pain, the sadness or the betrayal, it is much greater than that. Tyrion Lannister is just a person I wanted to be, I want to be as strong as he is. And Peter Dinklage should gets another Emmy by that speech alone. And yes, I will recite my favorite part.

TYWIN: “You admit you poisoned the king?”

TYRION: “No. Of that I’m innocent. I’m guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I’m guilty of being a dwarf.”

TYWIN: “You’re not on trial for being a dwarf.”

TYRION: “Oh? Yes I am. I’ve been on trial for that my entire life.”


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The Punk Poet – John Cooper Clark

If I had a chance to enter a mind of anyone on this world for an hour, it wouldn’t be Bill Gates or J.J. Abrams. It wouldn’t be George R.R. Martin, or even Quentin Tarantino. It would be the mighty Dr. John Cooper Clark.

John Cooper Clark, best known as the punk poet, is a rock star. The man behind the hairstyles, he often called himself. It was not too long ago, that I started reading all his poems. Those brilliant lines, those bold words and rhymes. Those beautiful, beautiful creatures. He writes like dynamite.

Cooper has performed and toured with The Clash, The Sex Pistol, Elvis Costello and others, gained his name at 70’s punk era. He has an honorary degree from Salford University. Funny how the world turned because it was just years ago that I was dreamed to take a degree on Acoustic at Salford :)) Which of course I’ll never had by now.

Alex Turner, the front man of Arctic Monkeys had Clark’s name tattooed in his arm. He said if it wasn’t because of Clark’s poem, he wouldn’t  started writing like that. Oh, you know how Turner’s writing looks like. And now you’re going to know the man who inspired him.

Turner fancied the man so much, he made a song out of Clark’s poem as the last track on Arctic Monkeys’ latest record, AM. The song, titled I Wanna Be Yours, is a beautiful song. But you’ll be chilled to hear the original poems. Watch Clark reads his poem I Wanna Be Yours here.

Read about him here.

Read some of his poems here and prepared to be blown away. Up to the other galactic.

I Wanna Be Yours
By: Dr. John Cooper Clark

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
Breathing in your dust
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
If you like your coffee hot
Let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your raincoat
For those frequent rainy days
I wanna be your dreamboat
When you want to sail away
Let me be your teddy bear
Take me with you anywhere
I don’t care
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your electric meter
I will not run out
I wanna be the electric heater
You’ll get cold without
I wanna be your setting lotion
Hold your hair in deep devotion
Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean
That’s how deep is my devotion