//October 31, 2010//
The sun is brighter and the sky is parted.
The ground shimmers and the ocean just glows.
Oh please, I’ve become cheesy when it comes to you.
a shallow and mad journal
In between daily life, works, journey, and other routines, I find inspiration hidden everywhere. All those beautiful colors are meant to paint the world in the most unsuspected ways.
//October 31, 2010//
The sun is brighter and the sky is parted.
The ground shimmers and the ocean just glows.
Oh please, I’ve become cheesy when it comes to you.
//October 29, 2010//
Watching Survivor is my ultimate satisfaction right now. I’ve been re-watching some season and watching the new season including the running season 21, Survivor Nicaragua. The challenges, the rewards and the chemistry around those castaways are so damn exciting! Jeff Probst would never get older, he’s just so charming and everything. My favorite season yet will be season 16 Micronesia, Fans vs. Favorites and season 20 Heroes vs. Villains. I’m pretty much interested watching people who are back again to play the game, because they already knew the rules and play the game more ruthless. My favorite survivor so far would be probably Ozzie from season 13 Cook Island. He’s so damn amazing! The dolphin guy surely sweeps every challenge and gets everything. Parvati also takes my heart away, I’d love to see her winning the second title rather than Sandra on season 20. Survivor China and Samoa also take my breath away. I really do want to write feature for this game that I love.
//October 28, 2010//
28 Oktober 2010. Tertanda hari Sumpah Pemuda dan hari ini saya akan menulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Minggu ini minggu yang berat bagi bangsa Indonesia. Cuaca yang buruk, banjir, gempa, dan ancaman terburuk, adalah kehilangan kepercayaan. Para pemuda modern di luar sana menyuarakan #prayforindonesia. Bukan ide yang buruk, (tapi mungkin) hanya kurang realisasi. Doa itu disuarakan dengan Tuhan, menuliskannya sebagai hash tag bukan berarti benar-benar berdoa. Saya hanya berharap, semua orang benar-benar berdoa sebanyak mereka menyuarakan tweet-nya. Beberapa berteriak di kolom status dan menyalahkan Presiden, anggota DPR, dan para petinggi lainnya. Mungkin beberapa orang berharap kejadian Wasior terulang kembali, sehingga kita bisa mengolok-olok pemerintahan. Jalan termudah untuk semua masalah adalah menyalahkan orang lain, bukan?
Lucu sekali, ketika melihat banyak orang sok-sokan menulis politik dan kembali menyalahkan anggota DPR yang jalan-jalan ke luar negeri. Karena sengaja atau tidak sengaja, kita bertanggung jawab atas terpilihnya mereka menduduki tempatnya sekarang dan sekaligus memberikan kesempatan untuk penghamburan uang yang mereka lakukan. Memilih atau tidak memilih di Pemilu DPR sama saja, karena keduanya merupakan bukti pertanggung jawaban kita terhadap negara. Jangan merasa bangga dengan pernyataan sarkastik yang kalian keluarkan dan merasa benar karena punya seseorang untuk disalahkan dan dicaci maki. Karena jika kita melihat diri sendiri, hal apa yang sudah kita lakukan untuk membantu negeri ini?
//October 28, 2010//
Being obvious is not my safety belt. Sometimes, I don’t want to be read by people. It is selfish because to the contrary, I always want to read people’s mind. So, it’s kind of uncomfortable when people know that I love yellow and red or the fact that I love rainbow and blackcurrant candy. People keep sending me gift containing those two colors. I’ve got myself a yellow notes, doll, and flowers this past week. I don’t mean I hate it, but sometimes it tickles my common sense why do I become too predictable. I guess, I’m just being selfish this time.
//October 27, 2010//
I’ve been throwing chances and God knows maybe I’ll be regret later. But if I have to pick one thing that I’ve been learning for all my 23 years of living, it is a lesson about never regretting a single thing about your own choices. So as today, I place my own bet.