The Hurt Patcher

There is a wound that would never heal.
It’s infected
It burns.
It drains life out of people.
And starts drawing other things near them.

Barely alive and breathing.
Finding reason to keep alive, while consuming hate and anger beyond reason.

There is a wound that would never heal.
By happiness that she faked out.
By forgiveness she seeks desperately.
She never knows how she wounds other in the process.
She uses disadvantages as the most powerful weapon.

But we can care less.
It is her words against her.

There is nothing in the world that can heal an infectious wound.
And if the end was near, and tomorrow will be another day, may the sins be forgiven.
Then let’s toast to another dawn.

This Task


I can see from your tired eyes that this task isn’t made for you.
The light flashed.
One, two, three.
Four, five, six.
The drum sounds louder than yesterday.
The colored lightstick thrown to the sky.
Yet, the melody never been sound so charming.
This is not what it should be, but you still play like this is the last day on earth.

You’ve never look dissatisfied like this.
And I couldn’t help but notice,  this task isn’t made for you.
Run to the east and walk like summer on winter.
Run to the beach and colored it yellow.
Backwards and repeat.

There were time better than this.
You should realize, that this task isn’t made for you.

Oh wait, you already knew it.

Happy Blogging 101 – Choosing Theme


Bagian memilih Theme adalah bagian favorit saya selama proses pembuatan blog. Menurut saya, sangat menyenangkan memiliki kendali penuh atas tampilan blog/website yang kita punya. Kemampuan untuk memilih warna, membuat Header, ataupun memilih font sendiri menurut saya bisa membuat bersemangat untuk mengisi blog di kemudian hari. Saya pernah juga menemukan teman yang justru paling malas melakukan tahap ini karena ribet. Tapi template gratis dari WordPress sekarang sudah bagus-bagus sekali. Jadi kalau memang nggak ingin meluangkan waktu lebih untuk memilih Theme, saya lampirkan juga beberapa rekomendasi Theme di sepanjang post ini.

Sebelum melakukan breakdown satu persatu, ada beberapa artikel yang menurut saya sangat menggambarkan bagaimana anatomi layout blog yang baik. Artikel ini dibuat oleh Wita Puspita (I really adore her works!). Untuk tips layout lainnya bisa merujuk ke artikel Living Loving yang ini.

Dalam memilih theme WordPress, menurut saya ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan:


Umumnya ada beberapa jenis layout yang paling sering digunakan. Pemakaiannya sendiri beragam dan memang menyesuaikan dengan fungsi dan karakter blog sendiri.


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The Drama We Live Within


Yesterday, I was stunned watching American Crime Story’s first episode. The People vs OJ Simpson.

Ryan Murphy is one of a kind.


Murphy started his career by creating a teen drama titled Popular (1999). A series of two opposing high school girls forced to get along when their parents decided to get married. The series surprisingly played in local TV station back in those days and I genuinely love it.

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The White Hallways

You remember being young(er).
Where all the hallways are painted white and the light is brighter.
There’s a door in the end of the hallway and you know it leads to somewhere new.
You never doubt to open it and pretend to be someone else.
New adventure always awaits.

You always forget half of the story or the story behind the previous door.
But then it’s okay.
New adventure always awaits.

There’s a silver lining for everything.
There’s no fear frightened you enough.
New adventure always awaits.

It’s not a nostalgia.
Because you’re still being you after all these years.
You’re feeling weird, because everybody doesn’t.
They fear not providing enough, or planning enough, or thinking enough.
New adventure always awaits, if you’re thinking enough.

But then, you’re not everybody.
You’re not even young(er).
You try to forget the thoughts.
You don’t want to think too much.
Luck favors the beginner.
Let’s stay the same for couple of years.