Every Flower That Blooms for You

With long glittery nails, you wear your confidence casually.
Like breathing, like dancing in the rain.
Like every flower that blooms for you.

With that black dress that only fits you, you wear your past foolishness like no one else’s business.
Like the letter, you write to proof your stubbornness.
Like the yellow sun that shines only for you.

The song that you promised to sing, the passion that never failed to bring you to try again.
The word pretty never suited you.
Because you are more than that.

Never forget what you are, all the insults and the humiliation.
All the tears and all the sorrows.
Because you are born to defeat it all.
You were born to rise from the ashes of pain.
You were born to wear a crown.

Like Us

The first image of the supermassive black hole is blur.
Made from scraps and bits of failure and experiments.
With a lot of help.
Come from the hands of flawed human beings.
It’s the product of love and curiosity.
The result of patiently looking for the unknown and the uncertainties.
The sky once feared for it can be dark and cold.
But somehow, it can also be warm and contains hope.

That’s exactly like us.

The image cannot be more beautiful than it is.

Tentang Kita dan Mereka

Dalam berkehidupan, saya cenderung membatasi diskusi seputar politik di ruang publik. Selain tidak terlalu memahami secara mendalam, beberapa tahun ke belakang kata ‘politik’ terdengar sangat kotor. Definisi politik terasa sangat elit sekaligus sangat rendah. Selama tahun 2014-2017 kemarin, saya sempat menuliskan beberapa kekesalan saya yang sebenarnya membicarakan politik tapi bernarasi ketidaknyamanan dan ketidaktenangan.

Tahun 2019 sendiri digadang-gadang sebagai tahun politik karena adanya Pemilu di bulan April mendatang, tapi nyatanya setiap tahun terasa seperti tahun politik. Kali ini, saya memberanikan menulis post ini karena sepertinya mulai banyak ruang-ruang aman yang muncul seputar politik yang ditujukan untuk anak muda. Asumsi merupakan channel yang menurut saya bersikap netral untuk menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh politik tanpa mengubahnya menjadi arena pertarungan. Saya sendiri mempunyai banyak pandangan baru tentang FH, yang ternyata berani mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang ketidakbenaran and staying true to his values. Atau AH yang ternyata punya pandangan luas tentang Indonesia di mata dunia, sehingga membuat saya paham kenapa performanya di kontenstansi Cagub DKI terlihat sangat buruk (he definitely needs a bigger stage!).

PS: Maaf saya nggak akan menyebutkan nama dan mungkin bisa membuat tulisan ini terasa seperti artikel kriminal (hahaha), tapi bisa diklik aja link videonya yaa.

Buat saya sendiri, tahun ini kembali menjadi perang hashtag yang menurut saya, tidak relevan. Banyak orang takut tentang para prajurit cyber yang menyebarkan ketidaknyamanan di antara para pengguna sosial media. Terlepas dari hasil pemilu Gubernur Jabar dan DKI Jakarta, saya sendiri masih belum percaya bahwa hal ini menggambarkan kondisi sesungguhnya dari pemilih aktif saat ini.

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On Breakfast

At the hotel breakfast, I could see a lot kind of people. Families with no manners. Singles with no preferences. It’s interesting to see their choices of breakfast. Some of them have been staying for more than a night, some choose the same thing they got before. The other try the thing they didn’t get before.

Some have a complete course, with an appetizer and a dessert. Some just pile up their plates, don’t care of mixing up the savory with the sweets. Some take too much. Some take, just alright to satisfy their morning intake. Some asked for a scrambled egg, extra eggs on their meat or an additional hollandaise sauce.

Some of them accompanied their breakfast with the silent chat over their phones and the endless scroll to fix a boring plate. Some read the free newspaper, only to read the headers. Some, just enjoyed the morning, seeing each and everyone’s faces.

Excitedly imagining paragraphs, about breakfast.

The Crowd

With my tired eyes, I could see the sun rises.
Above the cloud, in the ocean of hope.
Returning to the familiar city,
greeting the face of strangers and longtime mates.
Lost in the sea of people.
Not sure where to sit and rest.
Don’t know how to act.

I hope to keep on hoping,
or have the courage to see one’s eyes.
I hope to keep on moving,
so I cloud see more sunrise above the cloud.