There Is Nothing Wrong With The Dress

I was standing in line, waiting for my usual bus on an ordinary evening. Like many other people on the street, I scrolled through endless articles on the internet in order to ‘catch up’ with the rest of the world after long hours at office. The Verge, Brit+Co, The New Yorker, and The Rolling Stones have been my usual go-to website (other than playing Clash of Clans of course). Couple of links later, I found an article breaking down several awesome videos of girl empowerment. I held my tears for the entire journey as I cannot stop myself watching all the videos and hope that many other young girl got to see these also. I lost the article but the most memorable one was the video called Always’ Like A Girl. Always is a P&G’s feminine product brand, the video itself is encouraging the word ‘like a girl’ as self-empowerment not as an insult. I tweeted the video right after and has mentioned the videos many times in many conversations.

Weeks later, I found out about Amy Wibowo, an angel, a superhero. Amy launched her Kickstarter campaign called Bubblesort on March 2015. Having drawing cartoon to explain math and science for herself since early age, Amy wanted to make a series zine about computer science intended for high school students. Her playful bubbly drawing shows a lot of her personality. On one of the cover of her zine about Cryptography, she draws two cats whisper to each other with caption Secret Messages alongside a bubble and a heart (ouch, we seriously need couple of heart emojis here). Having the same name with Ami Mizuno (my favorite sailor!), she is a computer scientist armed with bubble gun. She even uses Sailor Mercury avatar on her Twitter FTW. Amy graduated from MIT, did a learning research for ASIMO, and had been working at Airbnb as a software engineer. As I said before, Amy is a superhero.

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The Most Exciting Thing About Life Is, That We Will Never Be Sure of It

In each other’s silent agendas, we scheme for what we called future.

Talking what’s best and what’s better, forgetting the rule of enjoying the coast line.

Take a breath and take this hand.

For many years to come, this hand will make you remember what is like to be young and fragile.

To be reckless and scared.

 To be old and dangerous.

Take a breath and take this hand.

We never sure of what’s better, but you are ready for the rollercoaster or the slow bike riding.

Take a breath and take this hand.

Somewhere in the middle, you might take detour and be exhausted for all the soap opera.

This time, take a long breath and take these two hands.

This time, let’s enjoy the scenery and the total silence between them all.

Happy Blogging 101 – Planning

Post ini adalah post kedua untuk post series Happy Website, Happy WordPress. Tema besar pertama yang akan dibahas adalah tentang Happy Blogging 101.

Kebanyakan orang (termasuk saya), tentunya tidak pernah merencanakan jauh-jauh hari akan seperti apa blog saya nantinya. Yang penting punya dulu dan mengisi dengan hal-hal yang kita sukai. Semuapun bahagia :3 Tapi jika kamu ingin membuat blog kamu lebih professional, ada baiknya untuk melakukan blog/website planning. Toh tidak ada perencanaan yang sia-sia. Topik ini akan berhubungan erat dengan topik-topik selanjutnya, yaitu theme, plugins, dan content.

Mulailah dengan menanyakan hal-hal berikut:

Apa tujuanmu membuat blog ini?

Apakah kamu punya tema tertentu dalam membuat blog ini?

Siapa atau golongan macam apa yang kira-kira akan membaca blogmu?

Category atau topik apa saja yang ingin kamu tampilkan?

Page atau halaman apa saja yang ada di blogmu?

Apakah kamu butuh fitur khusus, seperti photo gallery untuk menampilkan foto-fotomu?

Apakah kamu ingin menyimpan blog kamu sebagai jurnal atau sekaligus ingin menjadikannya profitable?

Kalau kamu sudah terbayang hal-hal di atas, sebenarnya kamu sudah punya gambaran brand macam apa yang ingin kamu tampilkan. Design dan isilah blog kamu dengan hal-hal tersebut sebagai guidelines. Berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang bisa kamu coba untuk semakin memperjelas gambaran tersebut.

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All of It

 with t1 preset

All histories are lies.

Written backwards, starting with the ending.

Guessing wildly towards the beginning.

Telling agony and suffering, and false hope of victory.


All stories are actually histories.

Written gracefully from beginning to the end.

Telling the imagination of life, not knowing life has surpassed mind.


Today is another day to make history.

Make sure someone make it a story.

Happy Blogging 101 – Hosting & Domain

Post ini adalah post pertama untuk post series Happy Website, Happy WordPress. Tema besar pertama yang akan dibahas adalah tentang Happy Blogging 101.

Seperti sebelumnya saya katakan, post series ini sebenarnya dimotivasi oleh Creative Series dari Living Loving yang membahas tentang Blogging. Menurut saya, topik pembahasannya cukup singkat, padat dan mencakup keseluruhan. Post-nya juga selalu menyertakan wawancara singkat dengan beberapa ahli di bidangnya. Topik pertama yang dibahas adalah seputar Self-Hosted Website. Sebagai pendahuluan, saya menyarankan untuk membaca terlebih dahulu post mereka sebagai bekal :)

Kali ini saya mau sharing beberapa rekomendasi saya seputar Hosting, dan Domain.

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