Anggap Saja

Anggap saja kita seirama, maka kita bisa menikmati cerita tentang tenggara dan barat laut secara bersamaan.

Anggap saja kita seirama, maka akan ada nada-nada tentang senja yang tak ubahnya dengan irama fajar.

Anggap saja kita seirama, dan laut mempertemukan kita selayaknya padang rumput.

Toh keduanya mencinta matahari dan merindukan bulan.

Sayangnya kita tak pernah sadar, bahwa perang bukan tentang kita. Tapi tentang irama-irama yang tak berusaha saling mendengar.

Catching Star

Among the bleakest stars that don’t sparkle tonight, you were the one that caught my eyes. I tried to dismantle you once. But I forget the instruction on how to assemble you back. There were too many pieces and bricks. And I gave up before halfway.

So, I harvest the same star tonight. Finding you was easy. There, there you are.

And I heard this song on radio, maybe they’re right. I’m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new.

You Were Not Lost

Halfway around the world.
17 in count.
Hundreds and thousands of hearts.
Million eyes.

All souls are never lost.
They just wander and finally, return.

Have you seen the technicolor coral, under the sea?
Have you seen the aurora, be it the Borealis or Australis?
Have you seen the North Star, high above?
Have you seen the rainbow’s end?

Whether you’ve seen one or not, you’ll be seeing more there.
More obnoxious beautiful things.

Welcome back, beautiful faces.
Until we meet again, you will all be missed.

Mute Crayon Box

We used to have different opinions. The ones that is passed through hours or days of reading, discussing, and analyzing things. The ones you believe it as your truly opinion. Not as other’s which you agree because it is well written passages without grammar mistakes.

It is good that information spreads instantly, minutes, seconds, milliseconds. But we’ve created a mute crayon box. Ones that just passed a button of Like or Share.

Fate of a nation will be decided sooner, kings will rise and fall, leaders will speak louder at nightfall. Among all that chaos, pen is still mightier than explosive. Especially pen that writes well written passages without grammar mistakes.

Put on your war paint.

There will come a day that you don’t need to break crayon sticks to color a picture. There will come a day that you’ll stint one another to understand better. Exchanging colors and get darker, or brighter. Clearly for sure, richer. Richer in knowledge, richer in perspective. The terms is getting better, the speculation is becoming smarter, the rumor is spreading faster. Those intelligent bastards, I see why you’re there now, with all that power. But we’ve already put on our war paint, and maybe we’ll see. Who will be releasing the doves at the end.

Have a good Sunday, sky arches.

Ocean is Wiser

Crossword puzzle.
Smell of morning coffee.
Sunny-side up.
Today’s headline.

Sometimes you wished to vanish into thin air.
Hundreds of people didn’t, yet they did.

You don’t know how they throw anger or suspicion.
You don’t know how curious those professionals.
You don’t know how painful that could be.
You could only guess.
Are they there yet?

Ocean is older.
Like Earth, Ocean is wiser.
We could only wait at the departure lounge.
Or somewhere between the traffic jam.
Despair, despair.
Temper, temper.
Are they there yet?

Sometimes you wished to vanish into thin air.
I forget sometimes, are you fiction or literature?
Because you’re standing between the line.