The Late Show

To celebrate the return of David Letterman who will be hosting the upcoming talk show on Netflix, I feel the obligation to dig up this two years old draft post. The original draft was written in English, but I took the extra mile to translate it to Bahasa Indonesia, just because I want it :P


Setelah memilih kanal YouTube dibanding siaran televisi lokal selama hampir 11 tahun, saya merasa lebih bahagia untuk beberapa hal. Walaupun sebenarnya sama saja dan bisa dibilang saya menonton siaran TV lewat YouTube, tapi saya merasa bisa lebih selektif dalam memilih tayangan yang saya konsumsi. Salah satu tayangan yang gemar saya  tonton adalah beberapa late night show dari US.

Hirarki late show kadang ditentukan dari seberapa malam sebuah acara ditayangkan. Semakin malam, berarti acaranya semakin populer karena waktu prime time tayangan US berada di rentang waktu 20.00 – 23.00.

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Stranger by Distance

Your current addiction and the drama.
You cannot stop obsessed about it.
And there’s a whole song about falling in love with a total stranger.

I don’t think I can understand that feeling.

But there you are, telling me stories about friends you’ve never met before.
Calling them by nicknames.
Telling daily jokes and congratulating them on milestone moments.
On text.
Via cable.

I don’t think I can understand that feeling.

Indonesian’s Foolproof Guide to Singapore – Shopping

Setelah sebelumnya berbagi tentang tempat makan dan wisata favorit saya di Singapura, sekarang saya mau sharing tentang toko atau spot belanja favorit saya. Sebenarnya, saya kurang menangkap kenapa turis Indonesia hobi belanja di Singapura. Karena menurut saya barang-barang di Singapura harganya lebih mahal dari di Indonesia atau Malaysia. Sekarangpun beberapa merek yang suka dibeli turis Indonesia lumayan banyak yang sudah tersedia di Indonesia. Memang sih tipe barang dan variasinya lebih lengkap di Singapura, tapi menurut saya harusnya Singapura tidak lagi menjadi tempat belanja yang spesial. Tapi memang saya akui, bahwa Singapura sangat nyaman untuk dikunjungi.

Walaupun belanja di Orchard, Sommerset, dan sekitarnya terlihat sangat instagrammable dengan dekorasi yang selalu berubah setiap saat, tapi hidden gem Singapura ada di balik stasiun-stasiun MRT yang jarang disebut di buku guide. No, I’m not talking about the hipster-ish Haji Lane or Tiong Bahru. Berikut ini saya cantumkan tempat-tempat yang saya rekomendasikan untuk belanja dengan harga yang lebih miring.

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The Pumpkin Season

The last two weeks were pretty exhausting for me. A lot of things happen in a short time and I cannot remember days and dates anymore. It’s a really nice feeling to be home again, waking early in the morning still tucked in a blanket staring at the ceiling while doing nothing. Finally, taking a deep breath.

October is my favorite month, simply because it is my birthday month. So, here’s a couple of things to cheer up the mood.

As a loyal Google Chrome user (who doesn’t?), I fall into the ‘tab abuser’ category. I love opening a lot of tabs and clicking a lot of related links. Palettab is beyond belief, the Chrome Extension combines fonts from Google Fonts and color palette from ColourLovers to create party every time you open a new tab. I’ve been using the extension for a long time and still inspired every single time.

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Naming Fear

A few weeks ago, my friend Mega asked me to watch It on the cinema. Although I thought the movie would be a thriller/mystery, I was a little bit surprised that the movie actually falls to a horror genre. The main ‘ghost’ in the movie takes form as a clown, later known as Pennywise, The Dancing Clown. I, personally, have never really like a clown since I was a kid and would like to define it as ‘disturbing’ and ‘not really pleased to look at’, but never really fear it wholeheartedly. But aside from all the spooky and scary things, I find the movie is quite interesting from the way they approach the word ‘fear’.

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