Having struggled with ulcers as a result of the high presence of gastric acid (baca: maag akut) these past days made me forgetting this fun challenge. This should be my last post of #7daysofblackandwhite, which I really enjoy because I get to see many lives in a different way. Though I hate not seeing colors or not getting a chance to write any caption, I agree that taking pictures in black and white made you a little bit melancholic at times (I actually wrote all captions on this blog and you can see all my posts for the past 7++ days here :P).
Category: Daily
My daily commute, whatsapp chat history, Evernote notes, random ideas, or countless saved pictures on my phone. Every bit of everyday, any RGBs and hex codes along the way.
The Priority Confusion
Di sebuah pembicaraan grup WhatsApp seputar KPR, salah satu teman saya bertanya apakah ada di antara kita yang menganut paham ‘millennials‘, yang tidak lagi menganggap penting tempat tinggal yang tetap sebagai sebuah kebutuhan. Di sebuah kuis tentang Which Millennials Are You? (yang mana saya lupa apa link-nya), saya ingat pernah mendapat hasil Conservative Millennials, yang katanya tipe millennials yang masih menganut nilai-nilai agama dan budaya. Sehingga, saya sendiri masih menganggap keberadaan ‘rumah’ maupun ‘tempat tinggal’ yang tetap sebagai suatu kebutuhan yang utama. Terlepas dari semua itu, menurut saya ini sungguh menarik.
The Everyday Lives
Saya sering membaca anggapan bahwa yang namanya kanal sosial media adalah tempatnya dokumentasi yang sudah terkurasi. Semua hal yang indah-indah saja. Lalu ada juga beberapa anggapan yang menyatakan bahwa di balik semua itu ada usaha dan cerita yang tidak diperlihatkan. Dan rentetan penjelasan klise yang menurut saya kita semua sudah paham runutannya. Menurut saya, fenomena ini menarik untuk ditilik.
The Glows
I see many lives every day. Swarming, glowing, fading.
These days, there are many problems in the world that we cannot untangle. There are many things that we cannot survive alone. I just wanted to say, life is precious. No matter how long, no matter how fast.
Life is still life.
When a life is gone, there will be an empty chair at the dining table, an empty room in the corner, a piece of heart that’s taken.
It is too cruel and unrespectful to degrade a value of life by occupation, race, religion, or even names. I think, there is no life that is more important than the other. It is our constant learning to always try to empathize with other people and not see things only in our limited view.
In our remaining time of life, let’s just try to toss kindness around and giving support to people who need one.
I hope you all have a nice day, lovers of all kinds.
Work In Progress: Color Play
This year is pretty exhausting for me personally. Although I need to be thankful that in our 3rd year, we finally get to bring our products to a brick & mortar store, it’s required a lot of extra works we didn’t anticipate before. It consumed more of our time and energy, dealing with one obstacle to another. We learned quite a lot and gained a lot of knowledge on how the retail world actually works. Though we’re still baby crawl into the dark, at least we already put the first step into it.
As 2018 draws closer, I need to focus on preparing the next year collection. Last year, I was pretty sure and ready with my theme concept. I have a clear vision of the theme and the direction I want to take. We ended up releasing only 1 set of collection, breaking our own promise of releasing 2 sets of collections per year. I think the collection was well-received and I didn’t need to sacrifice myself to create such a mainstream design like the abstract-brush-strokes-watercolor design.