Wave, Wave, Wave

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his April marks a whole bunch of things for me. Weezer’s 4th self-titled album was out. The long awaited 2nd album of The Last Shadow Puppets was out. And any other things I’m about to tell you later on.

It is officially Spring on the other part of the world, some friends intend or already visited Japan and snapped their first Sakura experience. My favorite photos come from one of my Instagram crush Maria Marie or better known as Cestmaria. Suddenly, I have this instant love with pink!


Crush, crush, crush.

Apart from the Spring fever, Weezer’s White Album is a personal favorite. LA has been the hometown for their whole career and Weezer has been writing a lot of songs about beach. But this Summer themed album is worth to talk about. I genuinely love most of the songs! And did I tell you I dig this cover album a lot? :3


Speaking about Summer, lately I’ve been inspired by:


Synchronized swimming! Look at those blue and those bright uniforms. Absolute crush.


Summer drinks with soda, mint, fruits, umbrella, and cool looking straw. It’s color party!

For the tropical country like Indonesia, which experienced summer-like-season almost all year, I think it is obvious that I’m drawn to it.

Until later then, sunshine believer!

The Rain Song

Heavy rain poured down this evening and the shuttle bus did not seem to come anytime soon. I decided to walk to my usual bus stop, opened my umbrella, put my playlist on shuffle, and turned up the volume to beat down the sound of the rain. This song came up. I ended up playing this song on repeat until I reached the bus stop to continue my journey home.

Although it has a lot of bad reviews that time, I love the Raditude album (2009). The song list is kind of weird, but there are some songs that I love dearly. (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To is one of my favorites Weezer’s songs of all time. It has this cheerful upbeat tunes with honest down to earth lyrics. The part of Weezer that I still love until now. This version, however, brings the song to a whole new level. I love Sara Bareilles’ sweet voice and how the song becomes playful when it turns into a duet. And if there is a thing that I love about the lyrics is how the last paragraph turns out. I highlighted my favorites lines below and I once wrote a post about that lines when seeing a picture of a Japanese couple at Disneyland.

If You’re Wondering If I Want You To (I Want You To)

The moon was shining on the lake at night
The Slayer T-shirt fit the scene just right
Through smeared mascara
I looked into your eyes and saw a light

You told me stories about your chickadees
They didn’t like BB guns or stupid archery
You charmed the lifeguard
He let them use the pool all day for free

Then the conversation stopped
And I looked down at my feet
I was next to you and you were right there next to me
Then I said

Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)
I want you to
So make the move (make the move)
Cause I ain’t got all night

The rest of the summer was the best we’ve ever had
We watched Titanic and it didn’t make us sad
I took you to Best Buy
You took me home to meet your mom and dad

Your mom cooked meat loaf, even though I don’t eat meat
I dug you so much, I took some for the team
Your dad was silent
His eyes were fixed to what was on TV

Then the conversation stopped, and I looked down at the ring
Your folks were next to you
And you were right there next to me
And I said

Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)
I want you to
So make the move (make the move)
Cause I ain’t got all night

So much pain may come our way
There may come a day when we have nothing left to say

When the conversation stops and we’re facing our defeat
I’ll be next to you and you’ll be right there next to me
Then I’ll say

Girl, if you’re wondering if I want you to (I want you to)
I want you to
So make the move (make the move)
Cause I ain’t got all night



[dropcap]A[/dropcap]khir-akhir ini, saya kehabisan bahan bacaan di dunia maya. Rasanya agak malas membaca list situs yang biasanya menjadi teman selama perjalanan pulang di bis. Sampai akhirnya, saya menemukan sebuh situs berjudul Mojok. Isi artikelnya ringan, satir, dan humoris. Kadang ada yang mengkritisi, kadang menghakimi, kadang hanya ingin berkelakar. Kombinasi magis yang selalu cocok dengan selera saya.

Isinya tentu tidak seterkini Detik dan Kompas, dan tidak sepopuler Hipwee. Tapi senang rasanya membaca tulisan bagus dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Selalu memicu untuk semakin banyak bertutur lewat bahasa tanah air.

Oh iya, ini artikel yang membuat saya jatuh hati dengan Mojok.

Wanderlust #1 – Takara Gallery Workroom

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’ve visited Japan twice. The first one was in Autumn of 2012, I was travelling alone and that was the most amazing time of my life. The second was in Summer 2013, I went there with my sister. I wasn’t feel the same excitement like the first time I stepped on Japan, but there’s still something amazing about the country. I still want to visit it again and maybe for my ultimate train trip I’ve already planned for a long time ago.


One of the places that I want to visit is Takara Gallery Workroom. The first time I know about the place is when Fictive Fingers did a collaboration with them, which resulted a beautiful pattern inspired by water. The gallery lies in Gujo city in Gifu prefecture. Located in the middle of Honshu island, that’s definitely the area I haven’t visited before. Visitor can try hands on of screen printing (and you know how much I love screenprinting!), as well as buy some of their merchandise. Japanese pattern is interesting. I love how they combine both classic and quirky object. I’ll definitely checked Takara Gallery Workroom on my-place-to-visit list.

See the adorable video they made here.

The Drama We Live Within


Yesterday, I was stunned watching American Crime Story’s first episode. The People vs OJ Simpson.

Ryan Murphy is one of a kind.


Murphy started his career by creating a teen drama titled Popular (1999). A series of two opposing high school girls forced to get along when their parents decided to get married. The series surprisingly played in local TV station back in those days and I genuinely love it.

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