Learn to Code

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne of my goal of 2015 is adding a tech skill and I want to do justice to it. Technology has been a great part of myself. Most of my reason getting into my college major is my fondness towards Tech article in National Geographic. I already told you about my love of Web Making in this post about Coding and also this post about WordPress. So, this is just another variable to add to the equation.

GEPI Coding Class is already held for several batches, but the program just get an approval to be part of the first Hack Reactor Core Network in Asia later this year. Originated from Silicon Valley, the program has been producing ready to work software engineer across countries. To celebrate it, GEPI gives holiday price special for the next 3 batches starting November. Long story short, I applied it right away. The course takes a month and has been covering basic HTML, CSS, Javascript and Object Oriented Programming. I’m glad that I decided getting into the course because I gained a lot of valuable knowledge. I’ve been learning to code by myself, but my knowledge sometimes skipped because sometimes I don’t get what’s working in what :)) I often get stressed out by myself. So having a class with real lecturer is a brand new experience.
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Looking Back to 2015 // Looking Forward to 2016


[dropcap]I[/dropcap] can’t believe that we almost passed December. That means, we almost greet 2016! I am excited to face whatever happen there, so let’s put a war paint for next year.

You know, I always love December. It’s festive, it’s bright, it’s usually kind of chilly (we’re usually in the middle of rainy season), and discount season. But I usually already spent a lot for that year, that I have no other left to spend on Year End’s Sale anyway :))

This month has been exhausted, as December should have been. Bits and fragments of work, life, interest, confusing statement, cluttered politics, big quotes and databases, sudden trip, deadlines, an awakening, function and properties, etc. I’m sure that those will make one hell of memory for 2015.

And here I am making another promise to write more. So this series of looking back and  looking forward will be filled with self-reflection for this year and wishes for next year. I will tag in under 2015//2016 tag. I think I will do these for years after. The #28postsfor28 is a good exercise, so I want more challenges :)) I have no breathing room for this month so I always write notes in between tasks. Sometimes it can’t be waited because I might forget anything in split second. There are a bunch of scattered thoughts on my notes right now and I hope I can finish it all before the end of the year. Given the facts that next two weeks will be the busiest weeks of December.

Have a nice Sunday, lovebirds :3

Cover Song Mixtapes #1

It’s been awhile since I posted Sunday’s playlist. I’ve been dying to make one, but today, let’s mix it a little. I really want to share some of my favorite cover song videos. Over the years, I often find new bands by seeing them covering famous songs. When the band founded by labels and release an original album, it becomes such a joy because I kind of see their awesomeness evolved through times. Cover songs tends to show off more about artist’s musical approach to another artist’s song. Too little improvisation made the cover looks dull. Make too many adjustments, then it flies off its original vibe. That’s why it’s always interesting. There is no rule, there is no right and wrong, there’s only good music.

Postmodern Jukebox – Sugar, We’re Going Down (Fall Out Boy)

Sugar, We’re Goin Down is hands down my most favorite Fall Out Boy’s song and Postmodern Jukebox is hands down one of my favorite channel for a cover song. Re-imagining pop songs by adding an old school vibe, they brings back the fun and the sultry of 1920’s – 1950’s music to the future. With big instruments and fresh arrangements, Postmodern Jukebox is successfully made a time machine.

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In Between

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]’m glad that this week I’ve become a little bit more productive. I think this is the first week I’m actually crossed all things in my to-do list for a really long time. Lately, it’s harder to focus on things, as work life has been exhausting and I’m having this issue that makes me want to do many other things outside work :))

I’m kind of fall in love with designing newsletter, that I decided to activate Kawung Living Newsletter. We gathered e-mails list over the year and put a subscription box in our website, but we’ve never actually send any e-mails! :)) Now that I’m getting a hang of how newsletter works, let’s see if this will be an effective way of promoting. By the way, this Holiday Marketing Tips from MailChimp is just the best!

So, ready for a Random Round Up?

Since 2016 is running faster and faster, this is the perfect time go free calendar hunting! This beautiful simple calendar from Harley Quinn and Co. featured beautiful brush calligraphy and ink drops. You can download this for free or give $2 donation to World Animal Protection.


Bought the domain SAVETHEDAMNDATE.com. There is not much on it right now, but this is a personal project that I want to make next year. If you read Pricing & Template, you read it right. Some say that you don’t need to spill too much on personal project until it really launched, but yeah, what the hell :))


Jessica Jones dropped on Netflix this week! I’ve been binge-watching it this weekend and the show is just awesome~ I love Krysten Ritter! Over the years, I’ve watched her being supporting acting and cameo for many popcorn movies (The Confession of a Shopaholic, She’s out Of Your Leagues, etc.) as well as TV series (Breaking Bad, The Blacklist, etc.). She got bigger role by starring in Don’t Trust The B in Apartment 23. Now, Ritter plays a Marvel’s superhero! I mean, everybody deserves a big break and Ritter just got a great one :’) This piece is a great interview with Ritter about playing Jessica Jones. As for the series itself, I really want to rank up all TV series featured a female superhero. Since I haven’t watch Supergirl, I think I’m going to save it up for another time :P


A funny satiric art over pen and Post-It. Lovely!


And last, the best of it all. I forgot whether I’ve mentioned it before, but since it’s so awesome, it’s worth unlimited share! The Nostalgia Machine is a perfect website to visit on weekend when you-want-to-do-something-but-can’t-think-of-anything (true story). I’ve been watching to The Corrs Unplugged and Destiny’s Child Mix Video all week. Precious gem! (Hint: Year 2000 is one of the best)

That’s all for this week. Good night, precious treasures.


[dropcap]K[/dropcap]alau ditanya siapa teman yang paling bikin iri, buat saya jawabannya yang sudah bisa cicil rumah (atau mungkin bayar cash, who knows?) sendiri. Salah satu alasan saya dan Liza memulai Kawung Living juga karena senang berkunjung ke toko perabotan rumah tangga. Saya yakin keinginan mengisi rumah pasti dimiliki manusia pada umumnya (yang konon katanya biayanya bahkan sama dengan harga rumah). Saya pembaca setia Living Loving dan A Beautiful Mess. Seri Happy Nest dari LL juga adalah seri yang tidak pernah saya lewatkan. Elsie & Emma, co-author ABM, juga sedang sama-sama merenovasi rumah mereka masing-masing. Jadi akhir-akhir ini, tema decor semakin sering dibahas oleh kedua blog ini. Kalau rumah di luar negeri sih nggak usah ditanya soal luas bangunan atau ‘kehijauan’-nya. Pokoknya jangan dibandingkan dengan kawasan padat penduduk di kota besar macam Jabodetabek :)) Ja-nya harus dicoret karena buat saya yang baru 4-5 tahun memulai karir, daerah Jakarta memang cuma bisa dimiliki kalangan elit saja (but who knows?).

Muji Hut(image from here)

Berbicara tentang luas dan space, kemarin saya sempat membaca artikel tentang brand MUJI yang baru saja merilis desain MUJIHUT. 3 rumah mungil yang super fungsional dan minimalis. MUJI sendiri sebelumnya sudah pernah mengeluarkan desain vertical house di tahun 2014 yang lalu. Sila berkunjung ke tautan ini untuk melihat beberapa desain rumah yang super mungil lainnya di Jepang. Jepang memang konsisten bikin kyaa-ness overload.

Karena sekarang ini saya belum mampu membeli rumah, saya mau memulai seri INSPIRATION. Isinya beberapa barang yang setipe dan menurut saya, worth sharing. Nah, tema yang mau saya bahas di seri ini mungkin kebanyakan adalah perabot rumah tangga. Kenapa judulnya bukan Imagining Future Home misalnya (haha), mungkin karena saya tidak mau menutup kemungkinan untuk tema lainnya di kemudian hari. Tema pertama yang mau saya bahas: Art Print!

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