
Lewat gelap dan dingin pagi yang menyapa hari.

Lewat antrian kendaraan yang siap menunggu.

Lewat peluh yang tercurah karena terik panas.

Lewat segelas air setelah curahan peluh tersebut.

Lewat meja kerja dengan tumpukan kertas.

Lewat surat-surat yang menunggu untuk dicap.

Lewat suara sumbang para pengamen di bus.

Lewat tanah becek dan air yang terciprat.

Lewat hal-hal sederhana yang tercecer di sepanjang hari.

Lewat hal-hal kecil yang terkadang membuat kita mengumpat kesal atau tersenyum kecil.

Lewat semua itu, Tuhan sedang berbicara dengan kita :)


Yesterday, yeah. Yesterday was February 14th, and surprisingly, tiring. I mean, that was mean. Holding a test until 6 p.m. and giving a break for prayer at 5.30 p.m. I know people seriously need that job, and willing to do anything for that test. But, that just mean. I was upset actually for the entire test, the 1 p.m. test was delayed until one hour later. Boo~ Fortunately, I returned home safely at 8.40 p.m. And trying to stay awake, hoping to watch the re-run of Grammy Awards, but then failed to resist the pillow-comfort-attack :P

Yesterday was the day that people believe by Valentine’s Day. But I don’t mind the day, the fact is I celebrated the February 14th as the birthday of my two precious people. My little sister, Ivy Febrianti Putri and my best friend, Megarini Hersaputri were celebrated their birthday yesterday.

My little sister waited to cut the cake until all the family member is completed. Because I came home too late yesterday, she cut her 17th birthday cake today! Yes, she will have her own KTP :P

It’s does look like: “Harry Birthday Ny” -___- (doh).

Then we enjoyed a really tasty seafood lunch.

And then, I ordered this k.e.d journal for Mega since one month ago. I was thankful for the fact that she texted me yesterday and said she loved it. Hoping that you’ll do many great things with that :D The various cloth cover of k.e.d 12-month-journal series is an eye candy, everybody will surely love it. Even Diana Rikasari also has the copy of this journal. So, visit k.e.d to have your own copy.

The image is courtesy of k.e.d.

Hanya Sinis

Di bursa pencarian kerja hari ini (dan hari-hari sebelumnya).

Para pencari kerja berkemeja super necis, dan terbuang sia-sia termakan keringat di antrian.

Para pencari kerja menjual diri, di dua lembar kertas dengan foto di muka.

Mengais nafkah dan kesempatan.

Restu orang tua, gaji, tunjangan, nama besar perusahaan.

Dihitung dan dipertimbangkan, seperti mencari calon pendamping.

Di bursa pencarian kerja hari ini.

Program Management Trainee/Development Program/Apprentice jadi favorit, kesukaan para peminat dengan pesaing yang tak terhitung jari.

Ratusan, ribuan.

Diiming-imingi janji sebagai pemimpin masa depan. Pimpinan cabang, manajer divisi.

Di bursa pencarian kerja hari ini.

Para pencari kerja berpengharapan.

Terus berpengharapan.

Dengan motif yang berbeda.

Sedikit yang mencari ilmu dan idealisme, kebanyakan hanya mengharap titel dan rekening di bank.

Hanya sinis.

Mungkin kenyataannya tidak seperti itu.

PASTI masih banyak orang berpikiran bersih di luar sana.

Hanya sinis.