Skimming on 2010, for me I was tremendously devastated. This year was the darkest time on my whole life. The worst even. A black hole that consuming your whole soul. Good byes are hard, tough as steel. It cuts, making bath blood on ground. But people just have to walk on, continue to live afterwards. So, I live.

It is weird when you have to experience the highest and the lowest point of your life in one packed of a year. On the first couple of months of 2010, I was the king. I got children, friends, best friend, everything. I even consider myself as the wealthiest person alive, having all the joy in the world, the only joy that matters.

Then I experienced first good bye, my friends were leaving, graduating. April 2010 was the first time, giving flower to people I do hope to laugh forever in daily basis. Now, I have to accept the fact that they’re making friends with somebody I don’t know, getting busy with paperwork and stuff. They got job, scholarship, living elsewhere. Sometimes when they miss me, they will put some status on their facebook or wrote on my wall or texted me or phoned me. But I know it will be hard to simply hugged them and tell them the jokes I used to make of.

On the same April, I waved another good bye. To all those good years, to my family that I’ve been proud of. Leaving all the laugh, smile, and jokes that still going on. I missed a lot of people there, who I believe still living the best of their (more to come) years ahead. I’ve been enjoying too much of becoming your parents, friends, and stuff. Then it all paid off, I was badly crying, hugging people one by one. Saying good bye becoming a Fungsionaris.

June was even harder. I said good bye to the bestest friend I’ve ever had. The most loving and caring person stepping on earth. We’ve been walking on rainbow for some years, but some things weren’t meant to be. Something that I don’t believe for all those years, it suddenly comes up all true. Things that complicated do exist, and I took a fall.

July is still hard. I failed to graduate on time, so I said good bye to many soul mates. To be honest, I cracked down though I try to write cards and put my biggest smile for them. Still, I handed some flowers and took pictures. Having friends is nice, knowing they’re leaving is sad.

On October, I was saying good bye to the greatest place I’ve ever been. The place that have given me so much lesson to learn on. The place that have nurtured me to grow up. I’ve missed the city, so much that I remember the smell of the ground after rain. How I walk across them and fall in love with the sunshine. The trees, the food, the humble weekdays, and the crowded weekend.

The two remaining months was hardest. Denying, confusing, accusation, depression, everything. It is like you put all the pain in the world, grinding it to become one pill. I swallowed it and trapped under spell. Though like I said, I had to continue to live.

Yet, tomorrow is always another day. I believe every people deserve happiness, even the wickest people alive. I found myself then, the end of 2010, unemployed, devastated, still with no dreams planned of 2011, brainless. The thing is I just want to be happy.

I just wrote several miserable paragraphs, but yeah, 2010 have gotten me some miracles. Some, which I wish will last.

2011 is coming fast, and I’m saying another good bye. To 2010.To the year which thought me all those great bad ass lessons and to find that in the end, I’m still that person—the wicked witch. I want to skip things, fast forwarding times. Truth is, I don’t have that remote control. Never have, never will. For that, I send good bye. May next year becomes a happier year than ever.

Cheers to the new year :)

The Unbeatable

//December 17, 2010//


Tahun kemarin di bulan Desember, saya menulis tentang salah satu tokoh fiksi favorit saya yang bernama Endou Kenji. Sekarang, persilahkan saya menulis tentang seorang lagi jagoan saya. Ya, semua orang pasti kenal. Minggu pagi jam 9 di Indosiar. 42 komik tamat ditulis untuk menceritakan pengalaman hidupnya. Bukan saya saja yang terkagum-kagum pada pencipta karakter super ini, di antaranya adalah pengarang super lain bernama Eiichiro Oda yang sudah dikenal dengan komik super lainnya, One Piece. Pencipta komik super ini bernama Akira Toriyama dan bukan rahasia lagi bahwa Oda mengidolakan pengarang ini. Bahkan dalam One Piece – BLUE Data File, ada section khusus dimana Eiichiro Oda diberi kesempatan untuk diwawancarai oleh Akira Toriyama. Yah, tapi kali ini saya ingin bercerita tentang pemeran utama komik luar biasa terkenal berjudul Dragon Ball. Saya tidak kenal Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, atau Dragon Ball dengan embel-embel lainnya. Jadi saya hanya akan bercerita tentang Songgoku.

Songgoku adalah makhluk planet Saiya, itulah mengapa ia luar biasa kuat. Alasan tersebut pulalah yang membuat Songgoku tidak bertambah tua, karena makhluk planet Saiya adalah bangsa petarung yang membuat mereka dianugerahi umur lebih panjang untuk bertarung. Terlahir sebagai makhluk planet Saiya juga membuat Songgoku bertambah kuat setiap kali hampir mati. Tetapi dengan segala macam kelebihan itu, alasan apa yang membuatnya berkali-kali menyelamatkan Bumi? Sebuah planet yang notabene lebih jelek dibanding planet tempatnya berasal. Klise, tempat itulah yang membesarkannya dan di tempat itu pulalah dirinya mempunyai banyak teman. Diceritakan sejak awal bahwa Songgoku adalah anak yang super polos (bahkan ia tidak bisa membedakan yang mana laki-laki atau perempuan dan berjanji mengambil Chi Chi sebagai istri karena menganggap istri itu nama makanan). Dalam kenyataannya, memangnya ada orang yang sama sekali tidak punya niat jahat sedikitpun? Yang bahkan ketika diberi sinar iblis (saat melawan Raja Iblis di tempat Nenek Peramal), tidak ada sedikit niatpun yang bisa membuatnya meledak. Oh, betapa saya ingin sekali menjadi seperti dia.

Selain sifat polosnya yang luar biasa terpuja itu, saya ingin sekali menjadi seperti Songgoku karena ia satu-satunya orang yang tahu kapan harus menempatkan emosi. Dua kali, Kuririn mati terbunuh (satu oleh anak buah Pikorro dan satu lagi karena Freeza) dan dua kali itu pula Songgoku marah. Ia tidak marah ketika dirinya dihina, ia tidak marah ketika barang peninggalan kakeknya dicuri, ia marah hanya karena sahabat terbaiknya harus mati. Harusnya saya belajar untuk mengendalikan diri sebaik itu.

Oh, dan saya menangis ketika Songgoku mati di komik no. 35 ketika ia akhirnya memutuskan untuk mengorbankan dirinya untuk menyelamatkan bumi dari Cell yang mengancam meledakkan diri. Kualitas-kualitas tersebut kemudian dirangkum oleh musuh bebuyutannya, Bezita di komik terakhir. Songgoku adalah satu-satunya orang yang suka bertarung bukan untuk menang, tetapi untuk tidak kalah. Menyebabkan ia menjadi orang terkuat di jagat raya (diceritakan bahwa mereka bahkan lebih kuat dari para dewa penguasa, raja neraka, bahkan Kaio ataupun Kaio Shin).

Pada akhirnya, saya tidak peduli bahwa ia orang terkuat sejagat atau bukan (saya masih menganggap yang paling kuat di sepanjang cerita adalah Songgohan), saya hanya suka karakter Songgoku yang penolong dan baik hati. Membaca 42 buah komiknya lagi belakangan ini membuat saya ingat kenapa saya gemar sekali dengan komik ini. Seseorang dapat dikatakan tokoh jagoan karena dia punya kualitas yang lebih dibanding orang lain bukan? Pada kenyataannya, Songgoku adalah fiksi. Ia diciptakan karena impian akan sesosok jagoan yang tidak pernah ada di dunia. Tidak ada orang yang mampu semulia itu untuk menjelma menjadi nyata. Tetapi tidak ada salahnya untuk berusaha, kan? Saya memang tidak bisa terbang, saya tidak bisa jurus tenaga dalam, dan saya bukan manusia planet lain. Saya hanya manusia biasa yang berusaha untuk rajin berusaha dan bermimpi menyelamatkan dunia.


The Shorcuts of Blogging – Reviewing Tumblr the 2010 Internet Sensation

//December 18, 2010//


December 5, 2010 will be the date that people craved on their head (or maybe heart) as the milestone of 2010. Yes, it is the damn date when Tumblr went down. The site has been down for 24 hours, the longest outage of this company’s history. People cursed. Some made this.

The statement says it all. Tumblr has becomes a crush for more that 11 million people. The popularity has gained Tumblr a die-hard fans and loyal followers. Today, the internet next big thing already has more than 11,039,276 users and more than2,357,992,341 posts (per December 18, 2010).

Behind the curtains, meet the internet prodigy Mr. David Karp (http://davidslog.com). In 2007, while people hyped up with the needs of connecting with other people, Karp backed up a little step. He believes that blogging is still the ultimate weapon to approach people online. Amazed by the tumblelog (according to Wikipedia is a variation on traditional blogging that favors very short, mixed media posts with little or no commentary),Karp then launched Tumblr.

“Is Karp the only panelist drinking a beer? Respect.”
— Kristina Weise

Like any other internet wonder kid, Karp is a drop out. I dare say that Karp is the ultimate representation of internet geek nowadays. At 11, he read HTML for Dummies. At 12, he was homeschooling. At 14, he drops out school. At 21, he started Tumblr. At 22, he awarded Best Young Tech Entrepreneur 2009 by Business Week. Now at 24, he’s still getting started. Then we called it awesome.

Ah so, let’s getting started to know about Tumblr!

Tumblr is a microblogging platform that satisfies your need to go blogging in easiest way people could imagine. The tagline defines the website itself “The Easiest Way to Blog”. Starting from the registration process, you’ll be amazed by how fast the site redirects you to a new perspective of blogging.

As you can see, the only thing they need is the 3 basic forms, your e-mail, password, and the name of your blogs. It is like spelling A, B, C.

Tumblr then introduced you to their Dashboard. They categorized what people basically doing when they blog or they want to share something. Tumblr defines 7 distinct types of post. A text, a photo, a quote, a link, a conversation, an audio, and a video. You can easily choose which type of post you want to blog and considered it done, Tumblr has already made a custom display from each type of the posts. That’s what I called technology.

What makes Tumblr more fun is their ability of customization. While others blogging platform, like WordPress and Blogspot offers you beautiful gorgeous layout template that requires some PayPal to customize. Tumblr made it for free. You can choose a layout (they called it ‘Theme‘) and start to customize your blog peacefully, from background color to font size, from the text to the header. If you want to give some more money on board, you can choose some premium theme from Theme Garden and voila, is yours truly.

Many have said that Tumblr is for people who want to keep peace between Facebook and Twitter. Although I don’t want to agree to the statement, it’s becoming true each day. Like Twitter, Tumblr allows you to follow certain people you love. Singer, likeKaty PerryHayley Williams and John Legend or starlet like Dianna Agron have made a pact to be loyal with Tumblr. An artist, a web designer, a fashion lover, you’ll find many have attracted to the gold Tumblr has offered. Like Facebook, Tumblr is addictive. The easy-to-use and easy-to-publish ability already helped many illiterate-HTML transformed themselves to techno whiz.

However, Tumblr is still a toddler. It’s still 3 years old now, it’s still growing teeth and learning to walk. Year ago, Tumblr still has cons about their commenting system. Back in the days, Tumblr has only 2 ways to show affections to others (besides ‘Follow’-ed them). The first one is the ‘Like’ button, the red heart shaped button does the same job like giving a ‘thumb’ on Facebook or ‘ijo-ijonya, Gan!’ on Kaskus.

The second one is the most popular used button on Tumblr. Drums roll, here comes the ‘Reblog’ button. Reblog has the same function as Re-Tweet, is a re-ish. A repetition, a doppelganger of a post. But like a doppelganger, they have extra. You can add an icing on a cake, a topping for an ice cream. Some busy people type : “True.”, “I heart it.” below the post. Some were serious, typing some lines of admiration. Both ways works cool enough, since the spirit of microblogging is to blog something in a short lines, or even short words.

But unlike Facebook, Tumblr needs certain steps to comment on your friends’ post.Disqus then came to rescue, you can add a commenting system by installing it on your theme. Now it’s being inconsistent, it’s not being easy anymore. Then, the staff brings out joy. They add the ‘Reply’ button so people can start typing a short comment after someone’s post. Now, they even add the ‘Ask Anything’ section so you can gather feedback from your reader.

Like TypePad, Tumblr is well known by its mobileability. You can start texting or e-mailing your post from any mobile phone. Don’t bother to ask but sure it now available in iPhone, Android and BlackBerry. For an even mobile person, Tumblr can make a record of your voice and make it an audio post by calling to a certain numbers. How awesome…~

For people who have serious urgency to post and keeping the audience attracted, Tumblr has a feature of ‘Queue‘. You can automatically publish your posts on a designated interval. It’s like you let Tumblr freed your posts’ wings and let them loose to fly.

There’s more awesomeness to write by starting a review about Tumblr. Now I already up to 1000 words and still counting. So, I’ll let the website speaks for itself or you can read a 30 reasons why you’ll love Tumblr.

The thing is, we should salute Mr. Karp for his idealistic of a web free advertisement. He believes to make a good website, you don’t need to sell your soul to devil. And if Mr. Karp wants to keep the idea alive, I think it will be best to start monetize Tumblr the way WordPress did.

For me, Tumblr is still my golden child, although I love the way Notepad keeps haunting me for its algorithms of CSS and HTML. But I have to admit that Tumblr made blogging comes back to its true from, the way blogging was meant to be.


How time flies. Back in the days, Tumblr still has a Tumblarity feature. It says how active you are on Tumblr, it’s like a measurement of how loyal you are with the site. But now, the Tumblarity was once a history. It’s now only a good memory about having a nice best friend that reminds you how many cans of Cola you’re already drink in one shot.

My favorite Tumblr site nowadays: http://kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com. Oh it’s so damn hilarious!

band geeks

//December 15, 2010//

Obviously, I never said I like a guitarist or vocalist or anything. Besides, if I have to choose one from any band member, I’d pick the drummer. A drummer just deserves a future compliment. Because usually, they’re cooler than the rest of the band. Travis Barker is cooler than Mark Hoppus. Caroline Corrs looks cooler than Andrea, eventhough Andrea is more beautiful (yeah, right). Even Hanson’s Zac Taylor is cooler than whatever the name of the rest of family member are. A drummer always stands furthest from the audience. He only gets a tiny little light on the back, not the shimmering spotlight with fireworks blast effect. But he gives breath to the rest of the band, he gives beat. Not selfish enough to steal all the spotlights, the supportive one. Okay, that’s enough yapping.

The thing is, I don’t really look into any band geeks. This article made me believe it more. So if I end up with one, it’s just any other coincidences.

PS: But Charlotte Hatherley is another exception :P She’s a former guitarist of ASH, one of my greatest band of all time. After 7 years playing with ASH, the band asked her to leave and she’s having solo afterwards. On June 2010, Hatherley joined KT Tunstall, playing lead guitar to replace Sam Lewis. Oh, she is so a guitar goddess.