
//September 30, 2010//

You’re defining things with status or some web link. You’re defining things with your high education and your edgy brain. Maybe you dream up to be sociologist, but obviously you don’t. Then you define things, so people can click the Like button and give you countless thumbs. Defining is Miriam Webster’s editor privilege, but I don’t mind if you want to make any other dictionary. Meaning that I’ll be hearing from you sooner, and I will be grateful to know you.

Once again, you’re bragging your beautiful life, I’m okay with that and people still jealous of your sweet commitment. You’re just another center of attention, and attention is like supplement boost to your little beautiful life. I don’t hate you or being simply jealous, because I’d like to be in the corner where spotlight should come shinned you up. You’re smart, having all good things on your life, and hell yeah to that. Live your life gorgeously sweetheart, and yes I’m over to know things about you.

Being Genius

//September 30, 2010//

I don’t like smart words, they looks cool and intelligent. But they’re not being humble. They’re making some inner circle where actually they don’t want anyone befriended with them. They just like to impress people and gather praises. Well, you’re just acting usual, because everybody else does. You’re not the only one who’s special.


//September 29, 2010//

I’ve seen them every day, and how they’re being desperate to be different than anyone else. How they’re labeling themselves the anti-mainstream. Oh, how could you? It’s great becoming different. It is obvious if everybody want to be stand out of the crowd. Thanks to teen magazine, and their self motivated columns, girls nowadays are already acting ‘different’. But I bet, the sole message on the columns is being yourself, not turn you into one type android who wears the same denim shirt and suede shoes. They want you to take a serial of choices for things. Things you love, hate, and how you express it truthfully. Please, you’re all much more than that. We’re not asking you to love Katy and Zooey just because they wore some pretty vintage dress. And yes please be honest, please just admit those Edward and Jacob Team are too ridiculous.