//November 27, 2009//
I’ve been passionate about writing since elementary school. My father and all of my sisters aren’t a fan of books. In fact, we loveeee~ it. We were collecting books since I can’t remember. I read, read, and read everything I can back there. Comics, novel, fact, fiction, economy, poet, short story, dictionary, biography, fan fiction, everything. Book is people’s treasure. Since ancient time we already learn history from writings and drawings in cave. That’s why I leave my own history on my writing. I let people know what I think and how I see the world.
Since I know how to put a pen in a paper, and fingers in a keyboard, I’ve become writer. I write like tons of craps and junks, and I don’t even care what scribble I just put on. I’ve never imagine about plot when I was writing, I don’t know what my writing will turn out to be in the end. I just want to write about something, and I let that swing around, and voila, it’s done. It was never perfect, it was never so great, but the excitement and satisfaction remain excessive. So, that’s just enough for me.
The first time I write, I write novel for kids. Adventures, wanderers, fairies, a perfect writing for my age back in elementary school. For sometimes, I’ve found my passion writing for movie script. I write tons of it and my friend whose kind enough, discussed it and made it a better draft. Some were made into movie, and I just found my name on the credit title. Scriptwriter, it’s said. Then, I’ve found my passion writing for my blog. It’s fun enough because I don’t have to specify my thoughts into one subject. It is randomly fun, and I randomly write. Lately, I found my passion writing review. It is about movies I watched, event I attended, people I love, and many thing. But my little secret passion in writing is still the same, I really do want to write children’s book stories with illustration on it.
One thing about it all, it is still about writing. It is still about the same inspiration that I want to give to people. It is great, when people tell a positive critic about my writing, and say that they love it. But, I just know that many people out there just think it is still the same craps and junks. For better or worse, I will continue to write these craps and junks. I’ll continue on to put passion on it. So, wait another essays, reviews, stories, or anything from me. Because, I’m still feeling the fireeee~.