Dearest Children

//August 28, 2009//

Today I open a book. An empty book with no one’s writting on it.

A lot of smile and a laugh. We started to drive to the road where no one knows.

Maybe you and I will continue to walk on side by side on the same pavement. Or sit together on the same bench. Talking deepest thought or trashest stuff.

We don’t know it yet. But, someday we’ll know.

Dearest children, hope that we’ll write on that book together. Then, let’s pray that we’ll grow up together. Having fun. To eternity.

Selamat datang, Cakru 2009.


Gelap. Sunyi. What a perfect couple for a shattered heart.

//August 21, 2009//

Saya mudah tertidur kalau naik kendaraan. Apalagi naik travel. Saya pasti langsung jatuh tidur sesaat setelah naik travel.

Malam ini, aneh. Malam ini, mata saya tak kunjung menutup. Mungkin karena lelah. Atau karena air mata ini tak juga habis.

Kanan, kiri. Gelap.
Cahaya. Satu, dua, hilang.
Lalu gelap lagi.
Lampu-lampu mobil mulai terlihat. Mungkin jalan jadi terlihat lebih terang. Tapi buat saya, malam itu tetap gelap.

Lagu sendu mendayu-dayu diputar di radio. Tapi buat saya, malam itu sangat sunyi.

Saya masih hancur.
Sekarang hampir tak bersisa.


Entah Keberapa Kali

//August 21, 2009//

Tangis ini bukan karena disakiti.
Tapi karena menyakiti.

Mungkin saya orang paling lemah sedunia, karena saya mudah sekali menangis hari ini.

Saya menyebut nama Ibu berkali-kali, padahal ini semua tidak ada hubungannya dengan keluarga saya. Saya menyebut nama yang paling saya ingat, yang paling saya sayang, tempat saya berkeluh kesah di pagi itu.
Tapi malam ini, tangis itu tetap jatuh tak henti-henti.

Saya sayang dia dan mereka.

Saya teriris-iris ketika saya tahu dia marah.

Saya bukan orang paling pintar sedunia, sehingga saya tahu semua maksud hati orang.
Saya hanya pandai memperhatikan orang lain, tanpa pernah tahu bagaimana cara memperhatikan diri sendiri.
Saya ingin dia, mereka, bahagia. Karena hal itu saja membuat saya bahagia.

Tidakkah kalian tahu, bahwa saya sayang kalian, melebihi diri saya sendiri?
Tidak perlu tahupun tidak mengapa.


Saya hanya bisa menyebut kata itu.
Saya hancur.

We take a bow to UP

//August 05, 2009//


Every people sail out to the ocean of life in search of their own adventure. Some followed their destiny, live prosper enough to finally reach their desired goals. Some found an intersection, turned the other direction and continued on a different adventure. And some, found himself stuck on a journey, he looked around and realize that it is too late to accept that he no longer had life-along partner to share the adventure.


Up, up, and away, Carl Fredericksen flies, to reach the dream. To get the adventure he always waits for.

Pixar’s UP brought up the new height standard to every animated movie, it is called SIMPLICITY. At the first 10 minutes, I already cried. The 4 ½ minutes of silent moment portrayed the Carl and Ellie’s live was an Oscar material and what people called a picture perfect of life. I cried, a lot (as every PIXAR film I watched, I always cried on the first place). Two simple dreams have just made an adventure way more exciting and beautiful than every PIXAR films. I didn’t say that this is the best PIXAR film (I still say it is Toy Story), but it is the most heartwarming and heart melting so far. The idea of house that fly doesn’t quietly original, but what made it so beautiful is that, they made the most simple story on PIXAR history and still able to deliver an amazing film. Another great thing about the movie is they may not have Randy Newman anymore, but Michael Giacchino is one hell of a great musician. He just made the saddest scoring of this decade. I just have to rose up once again, and giving a standing applause, for ten films in a row. I just wonder when I can cope out with all of you, but believe me, someday I will.

Recommended Consensus: Everyone who reviewed this movie must be lost of words to describe the adventure they had at the cinema and what they can take home afterwards. Too beautiful to be missed.

Keep the children inside of you

//August 04, 2009//

Keep the children inside of you, as my old friend said to me. I did. I believe that every people are destined to walk on their own adventure. There’s a reason why God gave us a chance to present in this uneternal world. We just too selfish to notice and too late to realize. We fill our immortal life with what we call ambition. Live happily ever after, having a lovely husband, getting a job we always dream of, spoiled our own life to what we called prosperity. What we don’t notice is maybe out there, there’s lot of people needed our little dirty hand. They needed more than what we thought, and how selfish we are for not realizing it. We just a small particle in this galactic, how stupid we are to think that we’re better than anyone else.

Every beauty pageant identically related to ‘saving the world’ and ‘world peace’. We laughed to see the answer back then. But maybe, this is what beauty is all about, realizing that we don’t live alone on this so called planet. We supposed to interact with other people, not only with our relatives and friends, but also with people we haven’t met before. People said don’t be so naïve, but maybe being naïve is what we need today to solve the problem we experience everyday. Start with yourself, and maybe you can change the entire neighborhood, or even better, a country. And next step, you can maybe change the world.

Saya pengen kerja di United Nation. Membantu semua orang yang bisa saya bantu. Mungkin ini pekerjaan yang paling cocok buat saya. Pekerjaan tanpa balas jasa. Haha, hanya angan-angan yang suatu saat mungkin terwujud ataupun menguap ditelan malam. Tapi, siapa yang tahu. Pada akhirnya, manusia hanya bisa berharap kan?