I Don’t Know If It Is A Curse or Just Pure Coincidence That I Keep Screwing Things Up

She might have yelled at me again.

She tried not to all the time or the last time, but I keep screwing things up. Last month, when I forgot to pay the electricity bill. Last week, when I forgot to change the light bulb on our porch. Actually, it was 2 weeks ago. Our home was in complete dark for two damn weeks. She gave a damn, our neighbours gave damn, and I feel like she judged me for not giving it a damn. Well, in fact, I give a damn.

I just keep forgetting to change the damn light bulb.

If it is not because the accounting guy that keep chasing me up about the report a month ago. It’s not my fault that the damn intern “accidentally” typed the extra damn zero. I mean, I finished my school earlier than everybody in the room. Do i seem like a guy who gives a damn mistake like that? The project guy finished his degree in a mere 5.5 years and yet, he’s getting more than what the company pays me every month. A 43% difference in salary receipt made me give a damn.

Oh well, that’s another story and I’m still driving in the middle of the night. A report that comes 30 minutes before 5 o’clock means a damn overtime. And the company was not really sure that the lack of 43% difference will give me some damn.

She might have yelled at me again.

For coming late. For not bringing her a pumpkin soup she’s been craving for weeks. For not buying the soap, the toothpaste, and the damn light bulb for our bathroom. Oh well, another light bulb situation.

For not being there. 

That’s actually another tale and I might not be here to tell the whole story in my point of view.

I know she might be disappointed and it seems that I can’t help myself to make some damn excuses. To make myself feel better. Trying to make her think that I’m not completely wrong on this case, or any other cases. I don’t know if it is a curse or just pure coincidence, that I keep screwing things up. But then, it might be just me being a damn jerk.

The Race

The hazel sky and all the skyscrapers.
You barely remember you’re even there.
There is a time that you’re being conscious of the reason you’re in at first.
There is a realization that we might get a hold of this all.
The repetition and the fear.
The fear of every little things and some bigger ones.

There is no mountain high enough, you repeat that to yourself.
Much enough that you forget what’s the meaning behind all the encouragement.
And start a new day.
Maybe the same day.
In constant replay.

We might get a hold of this all, you repeat that to yourself.
This time you’re not sure what’s the meaning behind it all.
But you keep showing up every day.
Maybe it’s a sign that you aware of all the blessing.
Maybe it’s a sign of not knowing how to feel about it all.
Yet, we are here.
Showing up.
In constant replay.

The Storm

There is a storm coming.
A storm that eats the heart out of people.
Or empathy.
It keeps eating and eating.
Until the only one left, is ego.
And now, nothing can stop that storm.
It is closer than anything else.

Some people think they are better than everybody else. It is like how most parents said that attending science class is better than social class in high school. It is like how some people are full of themselves on getting to Oil & Gas company while other get a job in banking. It is like how some people are proud to answer a name of government’s company when some relatives asked where you work. It is like how piss some people are when there is other person who prefers K-Pop than indie music. It is like how most of us always think.

It is not entirely wrong since maybe that is how people appreciate things. But that is when it’s entirely wrong because that is not how other people appreciate things. We are nothing than a dust in the universe. Take all the ornaments and you’re no different than any other.

People are made from different kind of formula, they are not a mold that gives the same result in the same situation. Even mold cracks. People are people, the most treasured things on humanity is our differences. It is a pity that we degraded our value by how many likes we get or how much attention we received by others. It is a pity that we compared our success and our failure with others. It is a pity that we think that our value are better than any other people. While the truth is, nothing stays with you when you’re dead. And there is already a judgement waiting you ahead.

Starting Small – Tips Meningkatkan Produktivitas untuk Bisnis Sampingan

Di awal memulai Kawung Living, kami memulai dengan semangat dan merasa semuanya terasa menyenangkan. Kegiatan baru, kesibukan baru di sela-sela pekerjaan yang monoton, dan tentu semangat baru. Tapi lama kelamaan ada sedikit rasa lelah karena kami tetap memiliki tanggung jawab kepada pekerjaan kami di kantor dan kamipun ingin bisnis kami bertumbuh besar. Meng-hire orang baru belum merupakan opsi, karena kami belum bisa mengambil resiko sebesar itu dengan pemasukan yang fluktuatif setiap bulannya.

Buat saya yang kebagian handle customer, tentu lebih banyak capeknya mengurusi kemauan orang. Apalagi yang namanya customer itu tidak mengenal yang namanya waktu istirahat makan siang, weekend, atau jam meeting. Belum lagi menghadapi customer yang chat seharian dan bertanya-tanya tapi nggak jadi beli, ataupun ingin design custom tapi super aneh-aneh. Kamipun jadi sering follow akun-akun blacklist di Instagram. Tujuannya sih untuk ketawa-ketawa, hiburan kalau ternyata ada customer yang lebih ajaib dari yang kami hadapi :)) Semuanya pasti butuh waktu, lama kelamaan kitapun mulai belajar kebiasaan customer dan belajar bagaimana meningkatkan produktivitas sebagai pekerja penuh waktu. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips, pilihan apps atau website yang menurut saya bisa sangat membantu produktivitas dalam mengurus bisnis.

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Starting Small – Label, Packaging & Shipping

Sekarang ini sudah banyak konsumen yang lebih aware atau mementingkan penampilan luar. Kadang packaging barang sendiri bisa jadi penentu kita akan membeli barang itu atau tidak. Saya yakin deh, semenjak maraknya toko online sekarang ini, yang namanya jasa kurir semakin berjaya. Kadang, packaging barang yang lebih wah akan memberi kesan baik kepada brand/toko kita. Packaging juga bisa menjadi suatu hal yang ‘dijual’, misalnya jasa wrapping/bungkus kado dengan tambahan harga yang miring atau bahkan gratis.

Pengalaman saya pribadi, yang namanya label merek dan packaging terkadang luput dari perhitungan kita dalam penentuan harga. Sebenarnya kalau awal-awal nggak masalah sih tapi kalau sudah mulai serius dalam membuat laporan keuangan, sebaiknya memang kita harus mencatat semua rincian pengeluaran.

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