Reflecting Back in Black Mirror

These past days, I’ve been writing two similar pieces titled After This Night and After Last Night. If you’ve been following Black Mirror series, you might notice I’ve been inspired by one of the episodes titled San Junipero. While I understand how well written it is and why the episode got an Emmy, it’s not one of my favorite episodes. I’ve finished the entire season of Black Mirror at the end of last year. So, I thought I will write something out of it. I’m not going to write any detailed review nor any spoiler. So feel safe to read it even if you haven’t seen it.

San Junipero (Season 3, 2016)

Black Mirror is a science-fiction anthology series created by Charlie Brooker, tackling the issues of technology within the modern society. Reflecting its name, Black Mirror often use satirical and dark tones, portraying the consequences of vast technology. Though its popularity skyrocketed after the series bought by Netflix, I still like the earlier seasons better. The first season of Black Mirror, I think, is the strongest season yet. Making no room for a useless episode, tapping the right issues to its core.

“If technology is a drug – and it does feel like a drug – then what, precisely, are the side effects? This area – between delight and discomfort – is where Black Mirror, my new drama series, is set. The ‘black mirror’ of the title is the one you’ll find on every wall, on every desk, in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone.”

(source: Charlie Brooker: the dark side of our gadget addiction)

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After Last Night

I don’t really remember you, or the rest of your story.
I don’t know your name, nor the direction you’re headed on the way home.
After last night,
I might waste myself on the couch again through the weekend.
Not getting excited about the idea of Monday.
I don’t really remember you, but what is this feeling of longing.
Distracting and bothering.
(I thought,)
I don’t really remember you.

Late Night Radio Broadcast #4

Under this rain, I want to comfort you tonight.

I can’t give you a hug, nor a warm blanket and a box of tissue.
But I’m trying, with these voices within this wavelength.
Would you let me come through?
To your pain and the headache.
To your tears and the heartache.

Tonight I want to ask you.
Are we enough for ourselves?
Or we need others to prove our validity and value?
We might not find the answer right now, but let’s find the strength to search it.
In our daily life, between our blank stares to the sky and the sea of people.

Here comes the last song,
the rhythm of peace and forgiveness.
To ourselves.
(I always want to say this to myself.)
Let’s not sacrifice today’s happiness for distant tomorrow.

PS: More of Late Night Radio Broadcast series can be found here.

Belajar Hal Baru di Tahun Yang Baru

Awal tahun selalu identik dengan tujuan-tujuan baru. Mulai dari target berat badan maupun usaha mendisiplinkan diri. Buat saya sendiri, saya suka menetapkan kemampuan atau hal apa yang ingin dipelajari setiap tahunnya. Sekarang ini, informasi dan bahan pelajaran untuk hal apapun mudah sekali didapatkan di dunia maya secara cuma-cuma. Workshop dan seminar pun sudah gampang sekali ditemui. Setiap weekend, pasti ada aja workshop menarik yang diadakan, mulai dari yang namanya menghias cupcake sampai workshop foto produk, mulai dari menggambar dengan watercolor sampai workshop membuat ukulele.

Berhubung sekarang ini masih masuk bulan Januari dan mungkin masih banyak yang semangatnya belum luntur, saya mau berbagi beberapa sumber pelajaran saya selama ini yang berkaitan tentang creative skill dan bisnis. Mulai dari online course sampai newsletter yang menurut saya sangat membantu kehidupan saya selama ini. Oh iya, sebelumnya saya juga pernah share tentang di mana belajar coding untuk pemula ataupun beberapa kelas Skillshare favorit saya.


Saya mulai rutin belajar di Skillshare sejak 2015 dan sejak itu merasa bahwa semua hal itu memang dimulai dari niat. Banyak banget resources di dunia ini yang sayang banget untuk dilewatkan hanya dengan misah misuh di media sosial. Dulu sewaktu masih jadi pekerja kantoran, saya berlangganan akun Premium-nya sebesar $96/tahun. Zaman dulu sih, hitungan $8/bulan sangat terjangkau buat saya. Paketannya worth it banget kalau memang niat belajar. Saya bahkan menamatkan lebih dari 100 kelas selama setahun karena kelas-kelasnya super menarik. Saya pertama kali belajar yang namanya pattern design, mendigitalkan handlettering, sampai foto produk semuanya dari Skillshare. I don’t know what I would be without it :))

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