Pastel Craze

A few years back, my friend Sella wrote a blog post on how she won’t be ashamed anymore to admit that she loves K-Pop music. I thought that’s not even shameful from the start. Everyone deserves what she/he loves and it’s not anybody’s business to tell you what to love and what is not. I always believe that good music is good music, no matter what genre it is, no matter in what language it speaks.

A few weeks ago, I also find this article that points out about the design of some of K-Pop Music Video and how carefully it’s crafted. In regards to K-Pop music and my current addiction of Pastel Colors, here’s what inspired me lately.

Red Velvet is the latest girl group from SM Entertainment, one of the largest Korea Entertainment Company which said to be the pioneer of Korean Wave. Having successfully debuted groups like Super Junior and Girl’s Generation, Red Velvet is their newest experiment in Korea music industry. The name Red Velvet comes from the group’s concept image which has nothing to do with Red Velvet Cake :)) According to Wikipedia, ‘Red’ signifies their vivid and bold image, whereas ‘Velvet’ reflects their classy and toned-down side. I don’t understand why this concept should exist but the group has achieved success by sweeping music chart here and there. That can only mean one thing, it works. People do accept this kind of thing, something has been right for them.

The fivesome has been around Korea music industry since 2014 and one of the thing that I love is their heavy use of colors to identify each member personality. In their debut song called Happiness, each member dyed their hair tip using the color that represents them. Though I really like the song Ice Cream Cake and has been writing it before, their latest song called Russian Roulette really catches my eyes lately. It’s upbeat tunes and catchy chorus are hard to ignore, but I badly fall in love with their music video. I can help playing Replay button all over again.

The wide shot, the composition, the complex props, the simple graphics, and THE GLORIOUS COLORS.

Even if you’re not a fan of K-Pop, this music video is too good to be missed.

I pulled out my favorite colors from the music video and made these color schemes.

Have a nice day, color lovers :3

Coloring Rhythmics

In the mood to make collages and color schemes. Hoping to make something out of it later.

You know, I love gymnastic routine. It is one of those things that I randomly like to watch on ESPN (along with cheerleading championship).

Especially rhythmic gymnastic ♥

And aside from that, ballet routine is slightly the same thing, but with softer vibes.

I would love to try using this pastel scheme someday. What have been inspired you lately?

Things: Crush, Crush, Crush

One of the things that I have been giving more attention to lately, is managing my budget. I was an impulsive buyer (maybe still am?). But now with unfixed income (and some small installments still left), I need to separate what is important and what is not. So, instead of buying things here and there I started making lists and collages about all the things that I want (and still not what I need, haha).

Here are some of the things that I have yearns for years or just laid my heart into lately.

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Inspiration: Light Reading

[dropcap]B[/dropcap]eberapa tahun ke belakang, saya akui saya berhenti membaca buku. Sulit sekali menemukan waktu yang pas untuk tekun membaca kecuali di WC (haha) dan waktu weekend. Waktu weekendpun kalau ada waktu luang selalu saya habiskan dengan melihat sesuatu yang visual, entah (ehem) menonton Youtube ataupun TV series dan film. Sedih sih ada beberapa buku yang cuma saya beli tapi tidak baca sedikitpun. Bahkan kalau ditanya seputar katalog penulis masa kini seperti Haruki Murakami, Rainbow Rowell atau John Green, saya nggak pernah sama sekali menyentuh hasil karya mereka :)) Dunia, tolong maafkan saya.

Tahun kemarin, saya malah banyak membeli buku craft, kumpulan cerita pendek, puisi, dan buku non-fiksi. Kebanyakan buku yang saya selesaikan ringan dibaca, banyak gambarnya (ini penting), dan bisa selesai dengan 2-3 kali baca. Dari semua  buku tersebut, ini beberapa yang berkesan buat saya.


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[dropcap]K[/dropcap]alau ditanya siapa teman yang paling bikin iri, buat saya jawabannya yang sudah bisa cicil rumah (atau mungkin bayar cash, who knows?) sendiri. Salah satu alasan saya dan Liza memulai Kawung Living juga karena senang berkunjung ke toko perabotan rumah tangga. Saya yakin keinginan mengisi rumah pasti dimiliki manusia pada umumnya (yang konon katanya biayanya bahkan sama dengan harga rumah). Saya pembaca setia Living Loving dan A Beautiful Mess. Seri Happy Nest dari LL juga adalah seri yang tidak pernah saya lewatkan. Elsie & Emma, co-author ABM, juga sedang sama-sama merenovasi rumah mereka masing-masing. Jadi akhir-akhir ini, tema decor semakin sering dibahas oleh kedua blog ini. Kalau rumah di luar negeri sih nggak usah ditanya soal luas bangunan atau ‘kehijauan’-nya. Pokoknya jangan dibandingkan dengan kawasan padat penduduk di kota besar macam Jabodetabek :)) Ja-nya harus dicoret karena buat saya yang baru 4-5 tahun memulai karir, daerah Jakarta memang cuma bisa dimiliki kalangan elit saja (but who knows?).

Muji Hut(image from here)

Berbicara tentang luas dan space, kemarin saya sempat membaca artikel tentang brand MUJI yang baru saja merilis desain MUJIHUT. 3 rumah mungil yang super fungsional dan minimalis. MUJI sendiri sebelumnya sudah pernah mengeluarkan desain vertical house di tahun 2014 yang lalu. Sila berkunjung ke tautan ini untuk melihat beberapa desain rumah yang super mungil lainnya di Jepang. Jepang memang konsisten bikin kyaa-ness overload.

Karena sekarang ini saya belum mampu membeli rumah, saya mau memulai seri INSPIRATION. Isinya beberapa barang yang setipe dan menurut saya, worth sharing. Nah, tema yang mau saya bahas di seri ini mungkin kebanyakan adalah perabot rumah tangga. Kenapa judulnya bukan Imagining Future Home misalnya (haha), mungkin karena saya tidak mau menutup kemungkinan untuk tema lainnya di kemudian hari. Tema pertama yang mau saya bahas: Art Print!

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