The Wordsmith

It’s hard to pick the best amongst Alex Turner’s explosive lyrics. So far, Turner’s repertoire does not only consist of Arctic Monkeys’ albums but also The Last Shadow Puppet’s and an OST for a movie titled Submarine. Turner’s lyrics capture moments pretty sincerely in different wavelengths. It jabs right to heart with unthinkable metaphors and word choices. Often inspired by his girlfriend at the time, it’s always interesting to see how Turner’s lyrics evolve through the year. He wrote a lot of lyrics inspired by Alexa Chung (She’s Thunderstorms, Knee Socks), Arielle Vandenberg (Arabella), and Taylor Bagley (Sweet Dreams, TN). One thing that connects them all, it’s always left us with a lot of awes and ‘how come’.

In an interview with NME back in 2013, Turner was asked what song he’s most proud of lyrically, after questioning it for a while (asking, “Does anyone even wanna know what I think about it?“), he’s throwing Arabella and Cornerstone as an answer. I need to agree wholeheartedly because Arabella displays Turner’s poetic approach really well and Cornerstone puts up his storytelling forefront.

It’s funny that I think, the weakest album from Arctic Monkeys (Suck It and See, 2011) is the best one in terms of lyrical choices. And if you’re wondering which album you should start listening if you’re not a big fan of Rock, I’d recommend you the Submarine OST. All the songs feel light but meaningful, it’s easy listening kind of album with simple instruments often found in indie songs. It’s a good album to listen to in the midst of rainy seasons.

While I think in terms of storytelling, Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured (2006), Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts (2005), and Cornerstone (2009) are still at the top, I want to highlight some songs that display Turner’s songwriting talent really well.

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Berhati-Hati Dalam Memilih Vendor Bisnis

Dalam berbisnis, pasti ada kalanya kita mengalami pasang surut dan good day or bad day. Hari ini, saya mau share sedikit tentang pengalaman dengan salah satu vendor printing kain ketika menjalankan Kawung Living. Saya dan Liza sudah pernah mencoba menggunakan jasa beberapa vendor printing kain selama beberapa tahun ini. Dari mulai pilihan vendornya terbatas, sampai sekarang mulai menjamur. Mulai dari pilihan kainnya masih sedikit banget, sampai sekarang macam-macam jenisnya. Ada yang memang mengecewakan, tapi ada juga yang sampai saat ini selalu menjadi partner yang bisa diandalkan (kami bahkan selalu dapat diskon loyalty setiap pesan di sana).

Tahun 2017 ini, kami mencoba menggunakan kain organik sebagai tambahan dari kain polyester yang biasa kami gunakan. Alasannya karena kami kurang puas dengan hasil jadi kain polyester seperti satin silk polyester untuk bahan Scarf karena terlalu licin dan kurang merepresentasikan bahan kerudung yang biasa kami gunakan. Selain itu, menggunakan kain organik juga bisa membuat kami lebih lega dan tidak was-was untuk mengeluarkan produk-produk lain untuk bayi karena ada beberapa customer yang mengaku bahwa anaknya alergi dengan beberapa kain polyester. Sebelumnya, kami pernah menggunakan kain bersetifikasi organik merek Cloud9, tapi sayangnya kain-kain tersebut harus kami impor (kami punya supplier di Singapura) dan makin lama, makin sulit didapatkan di Indonesia.

Kamipun memutuskan untuk mencari vendor lokal yang bisa memproduksi kain organik sesuai keinginan sehingga nantinya kami bisa memberikan harga yang lebih kompetitif dan tidak memberatkan customer. Pencarian ini sebenarnya masih tergolong sulit karena tidak banyak vendor yang mampu memenuhi permintaan tersebut. Kebanyakan vendor kain organik yang ada hanya mau memenuhi order partai besar yang biasanya dimulai dari printing minimal 500 meter. Untuk retail kecil seperti kami, jumlah minimal tersebut masih tergolong sangat besar dan membutuhkan modal yang belum bisa kami penuhi.

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Modern Minimalism

Once in a while, I always paid a visit to bookstores to get updates of what books recently went out. I know I have no extra budget allocated on books, but I make sure to save up to get some books that I really want. One of the books that caught my eyes recently is a book titled Goodbye, Things: On Minimalist Living by Fumio Sasaki. When I read the word ‘minimalist’ on top of its cover, I thought, oh is it another Marie Kondo kind of thing? Though I haven’t read Kondo’s book, I get a glimpse of what she’s trying to do because EVERYBODY was talking about it.

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Floating Colors

October went by so fast and we need to face the last week of October. I want this week to stay longer, but here we are, in the fast-moving world. Trying to survive.

So, I sum up a list of exciting things to check out below.

(image from here)

I have been in love with the newest Kapadokya collection from Safomasi. I wrote about them before and still fascinated by how they translate travel experience into everyday objects. The color combinations in this collection are wonderful. The combination of bright pink, orange, and blue can be a little bit tacky, but the end result is surprisingly gorgeous. My favorite piece would be the Fairy Chimney series.

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